Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Parking Ticket
OHS (narrow grip)
175-180 (fx2)
Less than my pr, but I don't think I've done an OHS in quite a while. My shoulder started bugging me when I tried the wide grip, so i switch to narrow and although it felt stronger, I want to ultimately be able to perform the lift correctly. With time and practice I'm sure it will happen.
1.5 Mile Run
Not sure how that compares to my other running times, but it felt good. However, my knee now hurts. Maybe that car did a little damage after all.
Oh and I got a parking ticket while working out. Awesome. I am not favored in the traffic world these days.
OHS (narrow grip)
175-180 (fx2)
Less than my pr, but I don't think I've done an OHS in quite a while. My shoulder started bugging me when I tried the wide grip, so i switch to narrow and although it felt stronger, I want to ultimately be able to perform the lift correctly. With time and practice I'm sure it will happen.
1.5 Mile Run
Not sure how that compares to my other running times, but it felt good. However, my knee now hurts. Maybe that car did a little damage after all.
Oh and I got a parking ticket while working out. Awesome. I am not favored in the traffic world these days.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Twice in one week...seriously?
Split jerk 1RM
I need to work on my mental game. I've been psyching myself out too much.
30 reps 135lbs from ground to over head
It was fun making a lot of noise and having all the body builders look in to see what the commotion was.
Well, today I was once again struck by an automobile while riding my bicycle. At first, due to shock, I was slightly made. But when I shoot it off I just had to laugh. Twice in one week has got to be a record. Too crazy. I will probably have to go out and buy a bright neon vest or jacket or everything for that sake. Maybe I should just buy some body armor, that would be even better. Better yet I'll get a suit of armor. Just imagine a knight riding around on a bike. Hilarious!
Split jerk 1RM
I need to work on my mental game. I've been psyching myself out too much.
30 reps 135lbs from ground to over head
It was fun making a lot of noise and having all the body builders look in to see what the commotion was.
Well, today I was once again struck by an automobile while riding my bicycle. At first, due to shock, I was slightly made. But when I shoot it off I just had to laugh. Twice in one week has got to be a record. Too crazy. I will probably have to go out and buy a bright neon vest or jacket or everything for that sake. Maybe I should just buy some body armor, that would be even better. Better yet I'll get a suit of armor. Just imagine a knight riding around on a bike. Hilarious!
Monday, December 14, 2009
DL 1rm
Happy with that considering my training the past few months.
3 rounds
5 DL at 275
10 Burpees
When I started I thought I was doing the workout from the 2008 games. When I finished I thought, "wow that was easy." Then I looked at my stopwatch and thought, "umm does not compute" with a robotic accent and everything. Oh well, next time I'll do all 5 rounds.
DL 1rm
Happy with that considering my training the past few months.
3 rounds
5 DL at 275
10 Burpees
When I started I thought I was doing the workout from the 2008 games. When I finished I thought, "wow that was easy." Then I looked at my stopwatch and thought, "umm does not compute" with a robotic accent and everything. Oh well, next time I'll do all 5 rounds.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday and Saturday
Pull-ups Max reps
25 then 15 (poor showing, no excuse)
4 rounds for time
4 36" box jumps
6 ring dips
8 24" box jumps
10 push ups
12 walking lunges
6:57 (I think)
I'm not happy with the pull-ups. I just wasn't into it probably because I was in the middle of a fast. The wod reps and exercises were written on the board and I figured 4 rounds would be fun.
Snatch 1RM: 145
8 rounds for time
250m row
Rest 1 minute
All 8 rounds in the 51.2-54.1 second range.
the snatch was interesting. I was really protecting my shoulder and was just not comfortable with catching the bar in a squat. After a few attempts at this and a little frustration, I decided to do power snatch instead and was immediately much more comfortable. 145 is the most I've snatched in any form, so I'm happy with that and hopefully with a little practice at OHS, I'll be able to build some strength and confidence in the full snatch.
The other day I stumbled upon OPT's blog and found some cool stuff. He has created a two phase program for his athletes. The first will be finishing shortly and the second starting in January. His workout are perhaps the most precise I have seen as most of them account for just about every second of the workout. That is to say each second is planned for you. Kind of cool. With this find, I have decided that OPT is a better programmer than I so come January I will start with his first phase and record his second phase to begin when I finish that.
Well the 2010 Crossfit games are around the corner and they posted the ramp up to it the other day. As many of you know there's a sectional followed by a regional then the games. Unfortunately it looks like I will be missing the sectional meet and subsequently anything beyond that. The weekend they are holding the event in Mass. lands on the tail end of a ski vacation I have planned in March. We'll see what happens with planning, but it doesn't look like I'll be competing this year which is a little disappointing but that's life. We shall see.
Pull-ups Max reps
25 then 15 (poor showing, no excuse)
4 rounds for time
4 36" box jumps
6 ring dips
8 24" box jumps
10 push ups
12 walking lunges
6:57 (I think)
I'm not happy with the pull-ups. I just wasn't into it probably because I was in the middle of a fast. The wod reps and exercises were written on the board and I figured 4 rounds would be fun.
Snatch 1RM: 145
8 rounds for time
250m row
Rest 1 minute
All 8 rounds in the 51.2-54.1 second range.
the snatch was interesting. I was really protecting my shoulder and was just not comfortable with catching the bar in a squat. After a few attempts at this and a little frustration, I decided to do power snatch instead and was immediately much more comfortable. 145 is the most I've snatched in any form, so I'm happy with that and hopefully with a little practice at OHS, I'll be able to build some strength and confidence in the full snatch.
The other day I stumbled upon OPT's blog and found some cool stuff. He has created a two phase program for his athletes. The first will be finishing shortly and the second starting in January. His workout are perhaps the most precise I have seen as most of them account for just about every second of the workout. That is to say each second is planned for you. Kind of cool. With this find, I have decided that OPT is a better programmer than I so come January I will start with his first phase and record his second phase to begin when I finish that.
Well the 2010 Crossfit games are around the corner and they posted the ramp up to it the other day. As many of you know there's a sectional followed by a regional then the games. Unfortunately it looks like I will be missing the sectional meet and subsequently anything beyond that. The weekend they are holding the event in Mass. lands on the tail end of a ski vacation I have planned in March. We'll see what happens with planning, but it doesn't look like I'll be competing this year which is a little disappointing but that's life. We shall see.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Back Squat 1rm
I only gave one go at 255 simply because I was scared, and here's why. When I first started lifting for football in high school I had no instruction as to proper form or technique. As you can imagine this opened the door for injury. I was doing squats completely on my toes with my heals coming off the ground completely. U-G-L-Y you don't got no alibi. Anyway while doing squats like that, I think i ripped something in my lower right abdomen. Nothing was done about it, and it didn't cause any further trouble until I began lifting again a few years back. Now occasionally when I do squats I feel a tearing sensation in my lower right abdomen. For fear of hernia I refrain from pushing it too hard when it comes to squats. Instead, I'm going to take it slow (much like in the snatch) until I feel confident with the movement and am free of pain (the bad kind).
50 20lb wall balls (unexpectedly unbroken)
40 DU (broken- fatigue plus bad rope)
30 1.5 pood KB swings (broken-that was dumb should have kept going)
20 35lb db walking lunges (broken-5-5-10 hard stuff)
10 Burpees (unbroken)
Back Squat 1rm
I only gave one go at 255 simply because I was scared, and here's why. When I first started lifting for football in high school I had no instruction as to proper form or technique. As you can imagine this opened the door for injury. I was doing squats completely on my toes with my heals coming off the ground completely. U-G-L-Y you don't got no alibi. Anyway while doing squats like that, I think i ripped something in my lower right abdomen. Nothing was done about it, and it didn't cause any further trouble until I began lifting again a few years back. Now occasionally when I do squats I feel a tearing sensation in my lower right abdomen. For fear of hernia I refrain from pushing it too hard when it comes to squats. Instead, I'm going to take it slow (much like in the snatch) until I feel confident with the movement and am free of pain (the bad kind).
50 20lb wall balls (unexpectedly unbroken)
40 DU (broken- fatigue plus bad rope)
30 1.5 pood KB swings (broken-that was dumb should have kept going)
20 35lb db walking lunges (broken-5-5-10 hard stuff)
10 Burpees (unbroken)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Push Press 1RM
155-165-175-185-190-195(f-head psych)-195(f)-195pr(there we go)
For time
Row 1000m (3:37)
GHD Sit-ups
Back Extension
Total 8:17
Second day at the gym, so far so good.
Here's an outline of the strength programming I'm going to start throwing in the mix.
Push Press
Squat (back/front)
Pull ups
Push ups
Dead lift
Push Jerk
Overhead Squat
Round 1: 1RM
Round 2: 5x5@85%
Round 3: 6x3@92.5%
Round 4: 3x10@70%
This is exactly what is posted on Ricky's blog under an undulating program. I know I'm not in peak lifting form, but I like mixing it up and will probably add weight when needed mid cycle. Also, the lifts will be performed in that order in hopes of allowing more time for recovery between similar lifts. My goal before Christmas is just to find the 1r maxes and after the holiday starting a regular routine.
Push Press 1RM
155-165-175-185-190-195(f-head psych)-195(f)-195pr(there we go)
For time
Row 1000m (3:37)
GHD Sit-ups
Back Extension
Total 8:17
Second day at the gym, so far so good.
Here's an outline of the strength programming I'm going to start throwing in the mix.
Push Press
Squat (back/front)
Pull ups
Push ups
Dead lift
Push Jerk
Overhead Squat
Round 1: 1RM
Round 2: 5x5@85%
Round 3: 6x3@92.5%
Round 4: 3x10@70%
This is exactly what is posted on Ricky's blog under an undulating program. I know I'm not in peak lifting form, but I like mixing it up and will probably add weight when needed mid cycle. Also, the lifts will be performed in that order in hopes of allowing more time for recovery between similar lifts. My goal before Christmas is just to find the 1r maxes and after the holiday starting a regular routine.
Monday, December 7, 2009
New Gym
Yay! I'm now part of a gym. It's not an affiliate but it'll have to do for now. For those who are interested here it is: I'll be working out almost exclusively in "The Pit" where I can do oly lifts and wods. I'm excited to be able to get back on a track of sorts.
Today's Go Around
Clean Find 1RM
225 was my old 1rm (early this last summer). I was able to get under the weight but couldn't stand with it. This next week or two I'll be finding my 1rm and using those weights to follow a sort of undulating program in hopes of building some strength before the sectionals this spring.
100 DU's just working on the skill
Max reps push ups
Even though this is where I started it was after some heavy cleans and DU's so I'm not disappointed. Hopefully I'll be able to treat push ups like my oly lifts and create an undulating rep scheme of sorts.
I saw this advertisement today and thought it was a great example of how companies jump on band wagons in name and not spirit. The ad is for Jif peanut butter with Omega 3. How much you ask? 32mg of DHA and EPA. That's right a whole 32mg. I guess it's better than nothing, but I'm taking about oh 100 times that a day. Crazy stuff.
Today's Go Around
Clean Find 1RM
225 was my old 1rm (early this last summer). I was able to get under the weight but couldn't stand with it. This next week or two I'll be finding my 1rm and using those weights to follow a sort of undulating program in hopes of building some strength before the sectionals this spring.
100 DU's just working on the skill
Max reps push ups
Even though this is where I started it was after some heavy cleans and DU's so I'm not disappointed. Hopefully I'll be able to treat push ups like my oly lifts and create an undulating rep scheme of sorts.
I saw this advertisement today and thought it was a great example of how companies jump on band wagons in name and not spirit. The ad is for Jif peanut butter with Omega 3. How much you ask? 32mg of DHA and EPA. That's right a whole 32mg. I guess it's better than nothing, but I'm taking about oh 100 times that a day. Crazy stuff.
Last Friday
Last Friday's WOD
15 - 50lb DB cleans (full squat)
5 Chest slap push ups
10 - 50lb DB cleans (full squat)
10 Chest slap push ups
5 - 50lb DB cleans (full squat)
15 Chest slap push ups
Two goals for today, Monday.
1. Join Revolution Fitness-a local gym that has all the equipment for crossfit. It is much cheaper than CFB and closer than Medford. the membership dues are a Christmas present from my folks so that is cool.
2. Push ups. I fell of the regiment over Thanksgiving and would like to see where I stand.
15 - 50lb DB cleans (full squat)
5 Chest slap push ups
10 - 50lb DB cleans (full squat)
10 Chest slap push ups
5 - 50lb DB cleans (full squat)
15 Chest slap push ups
Two goals for today, Monday.
1. Join Revolution Fitness-a local gym that has all the equipment for crossfit. It is much cheaper than CFB and closer than Medford. the membership dues are a Christmas present from my folks so that is cool.
2. Push ups. I fell of the regiment over Thanksgiving and would like to see where I stand.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Cheat Week
Well, as many of you can imagine, this past week (and a half) has not been the picture perfect paleo zone/crossfit block of time. My diet went to crap with all the traveling and eating all the Thanksgiving goodies. To boot, I didn't even get a workout in the whole time. However, I did and have been taking fish oil on a regular basis.
The silver lining of this fall from grace is that I could really feel my poor diet taking a toll on my body. This helped push me back on track. Nice to know that my body reacts appropriately to nutrients.
In addition to eating right I'm also going to be fasting every fourth day from now until Christmas (or there abouts). This is partially to save money on food and partially to see how I react. Fun stuff.
Wednesday WOD
3 Rounds for time
10 One arm DB Swing, right arm
10 One arm DB Highpulls, right arm
10 One arm DB Snatch, right arm
10 One arm DB Swing, left arm
10 One arm DB Highpulls, left arm
10 One arm DB Snatch, left arm
I used a 50lb db and finished in 12:45. I definitely could have pushed harder and didn't really get out of first gear, but I guess you could call it easing back into the swing of things.
This last week was a big one in terms of my pursuit of med school. I had two interviews: one at the University of Minnesota and one at Washington University in St. Louis. For those of you interested in following my progress, I posted a link (look to the column on the right) to a profile page that has my 'stats' so to speak. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
P.S. I answered Josh's fish oil question from a few posts ago with a comment to that post. In case you haven't figured that out already. Cheers!
The silver lining of this fall from grace is that I could really feel my poor diet taking a toll on my body. This helped push me back on track. Nice to know that my body reacts appropriately to nutrients.
In addition to eating right I'm also going to be fasting every fourth day from now until Christmas (or there abouts). This is partially to save money on food and partially to see how I react. Fun stuff.
Wednesday WOD
3 Rounds for time
10 One arm DB Swing, right arm
10 One arm DB Highpulls, right arm
10 One arm DB Snatch, right arm
10 One arm DB Swing, left arm
10 One arm DB Highpulls, left arm
10 One arm DB Snatch, left arm
I used a 50lb db and finished in 12:45. I definitely could have pushed harder and didn't really get out of first gear, but I guess you could call it easing back into the swing of things.
This last week was a big one in terms of my pursuit of med school. I had two interviews: one at the University of Minnesota and one at Washington University in St. Louis. For those of you interested in following my progress, I posted a link (look to the column on the right) to a profile page that has my 'stats' so to speak. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
P.S. I answered Josh's fish oil question from a few posts ago with a comment to that post. In case you haven't figured that out already. Cheers!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Boring Week
Seeing as I have four jobs now, you'd think my life would be quite busy. So far this week I participated in a 30 minute conference call. Um...that doesn't quite add up. Anyway, at least I've got push ups to fill the time.
Push -ups Max Rep
Tabata All out
21-20-12-10-10-8-9-8 (+8 I did an extra round by accident)
Progress. I'm thinking about adding another criteria to the Max rep effort. It will now be max reps completed with a max time of two minutes. I'm not sure how long it's taking me now, but I'm setting two minutes as the ceiling for time from hence forth.
Push -ups Max Rep
Tabata All out
21-20-12-10-10-8-9-8 (+8 I did an extra round by accident)
Progress. I'm thinking about adding another criteria to the Max rep effort. It will now be max reps completed with a max time of two minutes. I'm not sure how long it's taking me now, but I'm setting two minutes as the ceiling for time from hence forth.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I guess that makes 3
1.3 Mile Run with 50lb load (35lb sand bag and 15lb back pack)
In addition to the above fun little run, I went to the first 3 hours of Dr. Sears' seminar at Endicott college. It was quite informative and answered a lot of questions regarding why certain foods were bad and what we should be striving for. The main take aways were:
-inflammation is what causes the majority of chronic conditions in America today including obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.
- daily high doses of purified fish oil (5g-15g/day) help reduce the risk of heart attack by 70%, cause depression remission 500% more than without, reduce the affects of ADHD, reduce tumor size, basically help prevent chronic disease
-Strict Zone diet is pretty much paleo zone diet with high dose fish oil
-if you don't want to change your diet at least take 5g-10g of fish oil a day
-strict zone diet helps the best athletes get better
-molecular baking is the next big thing in getting people in the zone
Based on what I've learned today I'm going to try and hone my diet a bit. This week, I will be eating 2 lbs of broccoli, 2 apples, about a pound of meat (turkey or chicken), and plenty of almonds, walnuts, and olive oil each day. Once my fish oil arrives I will start taking that too. After Thanksgiving I'm going to keep up with that diet until Christmas to see how I feel. I know I haven't been getting enough veggies and don't know what else to get. My meat quality will improve (mainly chicken, turkey, and fish) and my fruit intake will decrease (not by much, limited to two servings a day) . In addition my fish oil consumption will increase. Hopefully this change will stick and I'll be high as a kite all day. We shall see.
1.3 Mile Run with 50lb load (35lb sand bag and 15lb back pack)
In addition to the above fun little run, I went to the first 3 hours of Dr. Sears' seminar at Endicott college. It was quite informative and answered a lot of questions regarding why certain foods were bad and what we should be striving for. The main take aways were:
-inflammation is what causes the majority of chronic conditions in America today including obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.
- daily high doses of purified fish oil (5g-15g/day) help reduce the risk of heart attack by 70%, cause depression remission 500% more than without, reduce the affects of ADHD, reduce tumor size, basically help prevent chronic disease
-Strict Zone diet is pretty much paleo zone diet with high dose fish oil
-if you don't want to change your diet at least take 5g-10g of fish oil a day
-strict zone diet helps the best athletes get better
-molecular baking is the next big thing in getting people in the zone
Based on what I've learned today I'm going to try and hone my diet a bit. This week, I will be eating 2 lbs of broccoli, 2 apples, about a pound of meat (turkey or chicken), and plenty of almonds, walnuts, and olive oil each day. Once my fish oil arrives I will start taking that too. After Thanksgiving I'm going to keep up with that diet until Christmas to see how I feel. I know I haven't been getting enough veggies and don't know what else to get. My meat quality will improve (mainly chicken, turkey, and fish) and my fruit intake will decrease (not by much, limited to two servings a day) . In addition my fish oil consumption will increase. Hopefully this change will stick and I'll be high as a kite all day. We shall see.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Weekend Fun
Tabata Push ups Gamed
93 Total
1.3 Mile Run
Dr. Sears Nutrition Seminar at Endicott College
Tabata Push ups Gamed
93 Total
1.3 Mile Run
Dr. Sears Nutrition Seminar at Endicott College
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Like a bag of sand
While walking home from a outstanding establishment, where I sampled the local fare and copious beverage, I came across quite a treasure. During this adventure, I was in Troy, NY reliving my college days. It might have been 4AM and I may have been walking up a large hill. Nevertheless, I stumbled across an unused construction sign. It was not the sign however that caught my attention but rather the sand bags that had formerly kept the sign upright. Being in a state of profound logic and quick thinking, I grabbed one of the sand bags, leaving the other for the sign and continued up hill. I thought, "this will come in handy in future workouts." Needless to say I carried the 35lb sack all the way back to an upstanding house with ample couches in order to bring it back to Boston with me. Nicely done drunk John! I plan to use the bag often.
Sunday WOD
1.5 mile sandbag run, 35lb sandbag
un-timed (from my car to my appt.)
Max reps Push-ups
3 rounds for time
10 pullups
20 box jumps
20 lunges
Sunday WOD
1.5 mile sandbag run, 35lb sandbag
un-timed (from my car to my appt.)
Max reps Push-ups
3 rounds for time
10 pullups
20 box jumps
20 lunges
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Yup, my life just a bit more crazy lately. I've seen three moose, two werewolves, and a yeti outside my window and I live on the 9th floor. Seriously. But not really, I've got a job or 5 and am trying to make all that jazz work. I'm now a part time hospital tutor (where they expect me to reserve full time hours for them), an independent tutor, and I'm training to teach an SAT prep course. Oh yeah and I'm on a list of tutors for another agency where I'm teaching the SSAT's. I don;t even know what those are. As you can imagine, my routine is not really that at all. I don't know when I going to work at the hospital until basically the day before and everything else comes at my on an as needed bases. This makes finding time to workout harder that it should be. Oh, I'm also in the running for a high school ski coaching position (not sure I'll be able to take that if I'm offered). Anyway, my workouts have been sparse and a bit random. However, I have been keeping with the push up scheme and am biking a lot since that is my easiest mode of transport around Boston. By the way a car was honking at me for biking in the regular lane instead of the turn lane (I wasn't planning on turning) so in true Bostonian fashion I flipped him the bird. For some reason he didn't see the beauty in that and miraculously found enough room to squeeze by my (which he should have done in the first place) only to try and cut me off at the light. He wasn't very smart because it is a well known fact that you can't cut off a biker, we are way to nimble and agile plus our maneuverability is to the max. I blew past him with ease when he stopped at the light because when I'm on my bike I'm above the law. Seriously, I can do the 1.5 miles to where my car is parked faster than any car (I'm almost certain of that). Umm...and now on with the workouts.
Tuesday WOD
5 rounds for time
Run 120yds (I think, distance is estimated)
10 Burpees
15 Sit-ups
25 Squats
Wednesday WOD
Tabata Push-ups All out
85 total
Oh, and one more thing. Even though I have a job per se doesn't mean I have money to join a gym. In fact I won't get my first pay check until Dec. 7th. Let's hope the $175 I have will last otherwise IF will become a necessity. Yeah life lessons/challenges! Despite this fact I am still overly optimistic, and can't stop typing now for some reason. Oh wait never mind I'm done.
Tuesday WOD
5 rounds for time
Run 120yds (I think, distance is estimated)
10 Burpees
15 Sit-ups
25 Squats
Wednesday WOD
Tabata Push-ups All out
85 total
Oh, and one more thing. Even though I have a job per se doesn't mean I have money to join a gym. In fact I won't get my first pay check until Dec. 7th. Let's hope the $175 I have will last otherwise IF will become a necessity. Yeah life lessons/challenges! Despite this fact I am still overly optimistic, and can't stop typing now for some reason. Oh wait never mind I'm done.
Monday, November 2, 2009
More Push-ups
Push-ups Max reps in 1 round
I guess that's a good starting point to have if I'm looking to double it.
I haven't had a decent workout though in a while, but I just started a job today. It sounds like a full-time job that is given a part-time title, we'll see. But I'll be a tutor for students who are spending time in a hospital for whatever reason and are missing school. It should be great prep for med school so bonus there. Once I get a routine going there, I will definitely have to find a new workout pattern. Until then I'll do what I can.
Push-ups Max reps in 1 round
I guess that's a good starting point to have if I'm looking to double it.
I haven't had a decent workout though in a while, but I just started a job today. It sounds like a full-time job that is given a part-time title, we'll see. But I'll be a tutor for students who are spending time in a hospital for whatever reason and are missing school. It should be great prep for med school so bonus there. Once I get a routine going there, I will definitely have to find a new workout pattern. Until then I'll do what I can.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Push ups and a mustahce
Tabata Push-ups (Gamed)
89 total
Gym was closed today so couldn't make up anything.
Later today I will be getting into character for Halloween. This year I will be going as Magnum PI. This means that I'll have to wear an awesome mustache for the duration for the weekend. I'm find any excuse to grow a mustache.
Tabata Push-ups (Gamed)
89 total
Gym was closed today so couldn't make up anything.
Later today I will be getting into character for Halloween. This year I will be going as Magnum PI. This means that I'll have to wear an awesome mustache for the duration for the weekend. I'm find any excuse to grow a mustache.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Fighting a Goat
Started a new plan to get better at push-ups today. I've been fighting this goat long enough and came up with a plan to fix that. I figured the best way to get better is to do them. I recall Joe saying that the most efficient way of working push-ups was with tabata, so here is what I came up with.
Mondays-1 round max reps
Wednesdays-Tabata Push-ups All out each round
Fridays-Tabata Push-ups Game each round
Even if this isn't the most efficient program I'm bound to make progress through brute repetition. My goal is 200 on either tabata and over 100 on max reps. This should be a fun little experiment.
1st Wednesday
Tabata Push-ups All-out
87 total
Mondays-1 round max reps
Wednesdays-Tabata Push-ups All out each round
Fridays-Tabata Push-ups Game each round
Even if this isn't the most efficient program I'm bound to make progress through brute repetition. My goal is 200 on either tabata and over 100 on max reps. This should be a fun little experiment.
1st Wednesday
Tabata Push-ups All-out
87 total
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
AMRAP in 20
2 Muscle Ups
8 2 pood KB swings
13 rounds +1 HSPU
Once again I did bar muscle ups, it was easier than sharing rings. HSPU were tough after round 10 or so and took the most time to complete. The KB swings weren't bad. This was a fun one since none of the movements drained me too bad.
AMRAP in 20
2 Muscle Ups
8 2 pood KB swings
13 rounds +1 HSPU
Once again I did bar muscle ups, it was easier than sharing rings. HSPU were tough after round 10 or so and took the most time to complete. The KB swings weren't bad. This was a fun one since none of the movements drained me too bad.
Monday, October 26, 2009
4 rounds for time
50 Steps walking lunges
50 Sit-ups
It was nice doing this one outside, but I think I found a puddle or something while doing sit-ups.
4 rounds for time
50 Steps walking lunges
50 Sit-ups
It was nice doing this one outside, but I think I found a puddle or something while doing sit-ups.
Friday, October 23, 2009
155 lb Power Clean
C2B Pull-ups
1.5 Pood KB swings
This was a wod used in the northeastern had a 15 minute cut off. Coulda/shoulda/woulda gone fast if/but/because...No excuses.
155 lb Power Clean
C2B Pull-ups
1.5 Pood KB swings
This was a wod used in the northeastern had a 15 minute cut off. Coulda/shoulda/woulda gone fast if/but/because...No excuses.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tabata Something Else
Today I ran Tabata Something Else since I missed it yesterday and did a pack run instead (we'll get to that later). TSE went well and I pr'd but once again I was disappointed with my push-up performance. I'm going to have to do something about that. Here's how it went.
Tabata Something Else
Pull-ups 18-13-9-10-10-9-10-10 = 89
Push-ups 12-12-11-10-9-8-6-6 = 74
Sit-ups 13-14-15-14-14-14-15 = 112
Squats 21-21-21-21-21-21-22-22 = 170
Total = 445
Sit-ups were performed unanchored with the soles of my feet together. I came all the way up and touched my feet on each rep. Hopefully everything else was full rom (I tried to keep it legit). Also, I jumped the gun and did one pull-up round before the time really started. I got 19 on that round and nullified it since it was not on the clock. Not sure how much that affected total reps.
Tuesday WOD
1.5 Mile back pack run with 25->16.5lbs
Untimed but I pushed the pace.
Since I couldn't make it to Medford yesterday, I decided to through some weight on my back and run. I do not however have any weight so I improvised with three one gallon jugs formerly filled with chocolate and now filled with water to total 25lbs. It started out fairly well, but about a block into my run I felt a little trickle down the back of my legs which continued to swamp my shoes and leave a trail of my path. One of the jugs had lost its top and my 25lb pack slowly became a 16.5lb pack and I slowly became soaked. I didn't really care that much and continued the run. However, about .5 miles into the run my ipod stopped, once again I didn't care all that much and mushed on. As it turns out, my ipod is now a fancy paperweight since it apparently shorted out from being soaked. So, I am in the market for a new ipod and coincidentally a job to pay for the new ipod. How convenient.
Tabata Something Else
Pull-ups 18-13-9-10-10-9-10-10 = 89
Push-ups 12-12-11-10-9-8-6-6 = 74
Sit-ups 13-14-15-14-14-14-15 = 112
Squats 21-21-21-21-21-21-22-22 = 170
Total = 445
Sit-ups were performed unanchored with the soles of my feet together. I came all the way up and touched my feet on each rep. Hopefully everything else was full rom (I tried to keep it legit). Also, I jumped the gun and did one pull-up round before the time really started. I got 19 on that round and nullified it since it was not on the clock. Not sure how much that affected total reps.
Tuesday WOD
1.5 Mile back pack run with 25->16.5lbs
Untimed but I pushed the pace.
Since I couldn't make it to Medford yesterday, I decided to through some weight on my back and run. I do not however have any weight so I improvised with three one gallon jugs formerly filled with chocolate and now filled with water to total 25lbs. It started out fairly well, but about a block into my run I felt a little trickle down the back of my legs which continued to swamp my shoes and leave a trail of my path. One of the jugs had lost its top and my 25lb pack slowly became a 16.5lb pack and I slowly became soaked. I didn't really care that much and continued the run. However, about .5 miles into the run my ipod stopped, once again I didn't care all that much and mushed on. As it turns out, my ipod is now a fancy paperweight since it apparently shorted out from being soaked. So, I am in the market for a new ipod and coincidentally a job to pay for the new ipod. How convenient.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Muscle up redemption
Well, I still haven't gotten over that mental block for doing ring muscle ups, but I have redeemed myself for the poor showing on the 30 MU's for time I did a while back.
5 Rounds
7 muscle ups
21 SDHP at 95lbs
That means I either squeezed 5 muscle ups and 105 SDHP into about a minute (based on my most recent 30 rep time), or I was more efficient. In this case, I think the latter is more likely. Ha. This was a good little wod. I was able to take the muscle ups (done on a bar) one at a time and rarely missed. I split the SDHP into 11-10 each round except the 4th which was 7-7-7 and the 5th which was 12-9.
This was my first workout in about a week. Last week I got sick while driving to Penn State, which by the way was a nice little trip/interview except for the nasty sinus infection I picked up. Luckily the interview went well and the sinus infection didn't hang on for more and a few days. However, last week had its ups and downs. The interview was an up for sure, but when I got back to Boston, I found out that I once again had to start from scratch on the job hunt since neither of the companies were offering me a position. So for the past few days I've been applying to everything I can. This time around I'm also going to try and find something short term that will start soon so I can start earning money (should have done this in the beginning). At least this job hunt is keeping life interesting.
5 Rounds
7 muscle ups
21 SDHP at 95lbs
That means I either squeezed 5 muscle ups and 105 SDHP into about a minute (based on my most recent 30 rep time), or I was more efficient. In this case, I think the latter is more likely. Ha. This was a good little wod. I was able to take the muscle ups (done on a bar) one at a time and rarely missed. I split the SDHP into 11-10 each round except the 4th which was 7-7-7 and the 5th which was 12-9.
This was my first workout in about a week. Last week I got sick while driving to Penn State, which by the way was a nice little trip/interview except for the nasty sinus infection I picked up. Luckily the interview went well and the sinus infection didn't hang on for more and a few days. However, last week had its ups and downs. The interview was an up for sure, but when I got back to Boston, I found out that I once again had to start from scratch on the job hunt since neither of the companies were offering me a position. So for the past few days I've been applying to everything I can. This time around I'm also going to try and find something short term that will start soon so I can start earning money (should have done this in the beginning). At least this job hunt is keeping life interesting.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Fran = Black Lung
Today I went face to face with Fran. We hadn't crossed paths since last September (and I was just fine with that). I figure it is a good annual event. As usual it hurt afterward, a lot, but not as bad as I can recall from before, a good sign. I also felt much better during the workout, another good sign. Overall I was happy with the trial and was able to make a substantial pr.
95lb thrusters
3:50 (pr by 1:05)
Maybe next time I can drop another minute. Ha. That would be cool.
This will be my only wod for a few days. Tomorrow, I will b leaving of Hershey, PA for an interview with the Penn State School of Medicine. This will be my first interview for med school and I am really excited to get it underway. Now if I could only get a response from those jobs out here. I still haven't heard anything from Harvard or Cataldo Ambulance and it's over a week beyond when they siad they would contact me. In addition to these two companies going MIA, apparently doesn't see me either. I was supposed to have a mock session online today for this reputable online tutoring company. I scheduled the session last week for noon, and I'll be darned if they didn't show up, so after waiting for 15 minutes (like they said) I left with hopes of finding a gig at McDonalds or something. Seriously, does anyone else go through this when looking for a job. Is it common practice to interview someone and then just not follow up? I sure hope that I'm just an anomaly and that this doesn't happen to anyone else. Oh well. Everything will come together in good time, I'm not terribly worried about it. At this point I'm just trying to enjoy the free time.
Also, check out the video I posted under random thoughts. It's SFW, so no worries. I really liked his take on the attitude of many people today and the whole 'the world owes me mentality.' Something to keep life in perspective and maybe even find a little happiness in the small things.
95lb thrusters
3:50 (pr by 1:05)
Maybe next time I can drop another minute. Ha. That would be cool.
This will be my only wod for a few days. Tomorrow, I will b leaving of Hershey, PA for an interview with the Penn State School of Medicine. This will be my first interview for med school and I am really excited to get it underway. Now if I could only get a response from those jobs out here. I still haven't heard anything from Harvard or Cataldo Ambulance and it's over a week beyond when they siad they would contact me. In addition to these two companies going MIA, apparently doesn't see me either. I was supposed to have a mock session online today for this reputable online tutoring company. I scheduled the session last week for noon, and I'll be darned if they didn't show up, so after waiting for 15 minutes (like they said) I left with hopes of finding a gig at McDonalds or something. Seriously, does anyone else go through this when looking for a job. Is it common practice to interview someone and then just not follow up? I sure hope that I'm just an anomaly and that this doesn't happen to anyone else. Oh well. Everything will come together in good time, I'm not terribly worried about it. At this point I'm just trying to enjoy the free time.
Also, check out the video I posted under random thoughts. It's SFW, so no worries. I really liked his take on the attitude of many people today and the whole 'the world owes me mentality.' Something to keep life in perspective and maybe even find a little happiness in the small things.
Friday, October 9, 2009
5 for the 5th
Well, today was my 5th day on and what better way to celebrate than a 5k? To add to a suiting wod, the weather was perfect-a light drizzle on an overcast day. I really do like running in the rain, so it was almost ideal.
Friday WOD
Was shooting for sub 20 minutes, maybe when I'm not recovering. However, that's the name of the game, constantly varied (movements and conditions). Keeps it fun.
Friday WOD
Was shooting for sub 20 minutes, maybe when I'm not recovering. However, that's the name of the game, constantly varied (movements and conditions). Keeps it fun.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
4th in a row
Today was my 4th day on and although I am sore, I feel pretty good about it. I may even go in tomorrow and hit 5 in a row, who knows.
Wednesday 091007
I haven't done 1rm thrusters since the end of January so I pr'd pretty hard. It was awesome. I just couldn't explode when I was going for 195. Next time.
AMRAP in 20
250m row
21 SDHP 95lbs
15 pull-ups
5 rounds
I think I started out a little too slowly, but this one was tough. I was shooting for 5 and hoping for 6, so I'm glad I was able to hit 5 but as always need to keep pushing to get to that next level.
Wednesday 091007
I haven't done 1rm thrusters since the end of January so I pr'd pretty hard. It was awesome. I just couldn't explode when I was going for 195. Next time.
AMRAP in 20
250m row
21 SDHP 95lbs
15 pull-ups
5 rounds
I think I started out a little too slowly, but this one was tough. I was shooting for 5 and hoping for 6, so I'm glad I was able to hit 5 but as always need to keep pushing to get to that next level.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mainsite 091004
Today I did Sunday's mainstie WOD.
95lb Power Cleans
Back Extensions
This wod felt great. All sets unbroken. I just took my frustrations from yesterday and went to it. I wasn't going to stop unless my arms fell off, and it was great. There were some faster posts on the mainsite, and I don't mean to discredit them, but all of my movements were full rom, so I'm happy with that.
I was looking for info on paleo diets and whatnot today and came across the Paleo Brands site. There is some good info on there, but I learned that a lot of the food I eat is not on their 'paleo' menu. This included bacon, sausage, and eggs (at least the amount I'm eating). I figure since their basing their lives around correct paleo info, I'm going to try and switch up what I eat so that it fits in with their parameters (list under paleo do's and don'ts). Now all I need to do is find some easy cheap recipes that I can make in bulk and eat day after day. Hopefully success will follow.
95lb Power Cleans
Back Extensions
This wod felt great. All sets unbroken. I just took my frustrations from yesterday and went to it. I wasn't going to stop unless my arms fell off, and it was great. There were some faster posts on the mainsite, and I don't mean to discredit them, but all of my movements were full rom, so I'm happy with that.
I was looking for info on paleo diets and whatnot today and came across the Paleo Brands site. There is some good info on there, but I learned that a lot of the food I eat is not on their 'paleo' menu. This included bacon, sausage, and eggs (at least the amount I'm eating). I figure since their basing their lives around correct paleo info, I'm going to try and switch up what I eat so that it fits in with their parameters (list under paleo do's and don'ts). Now all I need to do is find some easy cheap recipes that I can make in bulk and eat day after day. Hopefully success will follow.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Muscle up? More like muscle down!
I haven't done muscle-ups since the last time we did muscle-ups in Omaha, so 5 months give or take. As I recall, the last time I did 30, I felt like I should have gone faster. This time around I feel doubly so. For some reason I just couldn't pull off muscle ups like I'm used to. I spent the time between struggling on the rings and knocking some bar muscle ups out. As a matter of fact most of the muscle ups this time were done on a bar. Aggravating to say the least. The tough part of it was that I know it was a mental thing, not a physical one.
30 muscle-ups for time (and a little sip from the humble cup)
~15 minute
On a lighter note, I was able to string together 82 double-unders before the workout so that was cool.
I'm still waiting to hear back on some jobs and I'm dying for at least a little structure in my life. It may sound weird, but I think I function better when I'm busy. Right now, my diet is treating me oddly, so I'm going to have to tweak it. Having other crossfitters to workout with has been awesome, but I'm finding it hard to mentally get into workouts. I guess I'm just at a weird place in time. I'm sure it will all workout in time, but for now it's kind of funky and not in the cool 70's way.
30 muscle-ups for time (and a little sip from the humble cup)
~15 minute
On a lighter note, I was able to string together 82 double-unders before the workout so that was cool.
I'm still waiting to hear back on some jobs and I'm dying for at least a little structure in my life. It may sound weird, but I think I function better when I'm busy. Right now, my diet is treating me oddly, so I'm going to have to tweak it. Having other crossfitters to workout with has been awesome, but I'm finding it hard to mentally get into workouts. I guess I'm just at a weird place in time. I'm sure it will all workout in time, but for now it's kind of funky and not in the cool 70's way.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The first of the tenth
Howdy, today will probably wrap up my workouts for the week. That is unless I get some motivation tomorrow before Harpoon's Octoberfest. We shall see.
On Tuesday the mainsite called for snatch 1rm. As you may or may not know the snatch does terrible things to my shoulder. However, I am determined to find a way of making it work. While talking with the Medford crew about my dilemma, Danielle dropped some knowledge from the Burgener cert she went to the weekend prior by sharing proper shoulder positioning for the catch. I have seen many videos of people straining to keep the weight overhead while having their arms really far back. Every time I see that I cringe because that is where my shoulder is weakest. However, the tip she gave me was not to try and catch the weight that far back (fair enough, I try to do that anyway), but the fact of the matter is that further up the shoulder is actually held in joint by the scapula and the surrounding muscles. Your shoulder position should be similar to when you lift your arms overhead with palms raised vertically, like when you do the Y in YMCA. I worked on catching like that and sure enough it felt a lot better. With that in mind I went forth the tackle the mental barrier I had put in place to protect my shoulder.
Tuesday WOD
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Got to 140 and failed at 145 4 times. That's a pr for me but in the end, I was simply not comfortable catching that much weight overhead. The mental block remains, however smaller than before.
Thursday WOD
Do each exercise unbroken
30 DB thrusters at 35lbs
30 sit-ups
30 goblet squats at 50lbs
30 push-ups
30 DB swings at 50lbs
This one was kind of fun. I liked the idea of trying to make 30 reps of each in an unbroken set (I was inspired by a workout posted on the CFB page which was inspired by OPT). The thrusters were tough, but the push-ups were by far the hardest. I didn't get out of the push-up position until I hit 30 but I did rest a bit. Even though it's not a lot of reps, I felt this workout after finishing.
Random Stuff
If you like music you should check out if you haven't already. I just found it the other day and it's full of stuff you've probably never heard. Enjoy!
On Tuesday the mainsite called for snatch 1rm. As you may or may not know the snatch does terrible things to my shoulder. However, I am determined to find a way of making it work. While talking with the Medford crew about my dilemma, Danielle dropped some knowledge from the Burgener cert she went to the weekend prior by sharing proper shoulder positioning for the catch. I have seen many videos of people straining to keep the weight overhead while having their arms really far back. Every time I see that I cringe because that is where my shoulder is weakest. However, the tip she gave me was not to try and catch the weight that far back (fair enough, I try to do that anyway), but the fact of the matter is that further up the shoulder is actually held in joint by the scapula and the surrounding muscles. Your shoulder position should be similar to when you lift your arms overhead with palms raised vertically, like when you do the Y in YMCA. I worked on catching like that and sure enough it felt a lot better. With that in mind I went forth the tackle the mental barrier I had put in place to protect my shoulder.
Tuesday WOD
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Got to 140 and failed at 145 4 times. That's a pr for me but in the end, I was simply not comfortable catching that much weight overhead. The mental block remains, however smaller than before.
Thursday WOD
Do each exercise unbroken
30 DB thrusters at 35lbs
30 sit-ups
30 goblet squats at 50lbs
30 push-ups
30 DB swings at 50lbs
This one was kind of fun. I liked the idea of trying to make 30 reps of each in an unbroken set (I was inspired by a workout posted on the CFB page which was inspired by OPT). The thrusters were tough, but the push-ups were by far the hardest. I didn't get out of the push-up position until I hit 30 but I did rest a bit. Even though it's not a lot of reps, I felt this workout after finishing.
Random Stuff
If you like music you should check out if you haven't already. I just found it the other day and it's full of stuff you've probably never heard. Enjoy!
Monday, September 28, 2009
The treemeister
As the title says, I am excited to see what this week brings me. I am waiting to hear back on two jobs that I interviewed for last week. Hopefully I can finally start doing something and justfying my reason for moving to Boston. In addition to getting an income, this week will also be the most training I've done in a while. I will workout for 5 days in a row (which mill make up for my lack of weekend workouts). Also, I have start IF. I'll be on a 3 day on 1 day off cycle and see how that pans out. The one day off will be a 24 hour fast (dinner to dinner) instead of a 36 hour fast. I really don;t know what to expect, but among other things it will save money on groceries. One more bit of news, I'll be attending a free nutrition seminar hosted by Dr. Sears on Nov. 15. I'm a little excited for that.
On to workouts.
Sunday WOD
1.3 mile run
Go grocery shopping
1.3 mile run
I'm not sure of the first split, but the second run was 8:15 or so. Basically, I ran to my car to go shopping, then I ran the rain...both times. I got splashed by water once., it was nice.
Monday WOD
AMRAP in 20
5 reps 95lb thrusters
7 reps 95lb hpc
10 reps 95lb sdhp
9round 16 reps
The high pulls were definitely the hardest part of that workout. Otherwise a solid/challenging wod.
Here's a little gem for ya, (audio NSFW).
On to workouts.
Sunday WOD
1.3 mile run
Go grocery shopping
1.3 mile run
I'm not sure of the first split, but the second run was 8:15 or so. Basically, I ran to my car to go shopping, then I ran the rain...both times. I got splashed by water once., it was nice.
Monday WOD
AMRAP in 20
5 reps 95lb thrusters
7 reps 95lb hpc
10 reps 95lb sdhp
9round 16 reps
The high pulls were definitely the hardest part of that workout. Otherwise a solid/challenging wod.
Here's a little gem for ya, (audio NSFW).
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
First full cycle in a while
Today concluded my first three day cycle in quite a while now. It felt great too. A nice taxing strength cycle.
5 rounds
Max reps bw bench press
Max pull-ups
Max reps bw squat
BP- 7-7-7-6-5
Pull-ups- 20-20-17-17-20
Squats- 10-11-11-12-15
I sweated like crazy during this one since it was probably 80 this evening. Just got finished gorging myself on chocolate milk and trail mix, in addition to a delicious Italian burger (no bun or cheese). I've been trying to stay paleo while in Boston and it's been going well so far. I've been eating a little dairy, like the chocolate milk and some cheese here and there, but for the most part I've been eating right. I can definitely feel simple sugars and even peanuts when I do eat them (like in the trail mix). However, I'm pretty sure I'm not eating enough. I usually only eat 2-3 meals a day totaling 15 blocks at a max. I'm hoping once I get a job and some money and a routine that I'll be more consistent but until then I'll make due. I might start IF to save some money, we'll see.
This Friday CFB is doing FGB, so I'll probably stop by and see how it goes. Good luck to those doing FGB this weekend!
5 rounds
Max reps bw bench press
Max pull-ups
Max reps bw squat
BP- 7-7-7-6-5
Pull-ups- 20-20-17-17-20
Squats- 10-11-11-12-15
I sweated like crazy during this one since it was probably 80 this evening. Just got finished gorging myself on chocolate milk and trail mix, in addition to a delicious Italian burger (no bun or cheese). I've been trying to stay paleo while in Boston and it's been going well so far. I've been eating a little dairy, like the chocolate milk and some cheese here and there, but for the most part I've been eating right. I can definitely feel simple sugars and even peanuts when I do eat them (like in the trail mix). However, I'm pretty sure I'm not eating enough. I usually only eat 2-3 meals a day totaling 15 blocks at a max. I'm hoping once I get a job and some money and a routine that I'll be more consistent but until then I'll make due. I might start IF to save some money, we'll see.
This Friday CFB is doing FGB, so I'll probably stop by and see how it goes. Good luck to those doing FGB this weekend!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
400 lb Club!
That's right, I'm now a proud member f the 400lb club! The mainsite wod was DL 1rm and that's what we did. Don't know what else to say. It was pretty awesome. Oh, I saw a squirrel get hit by a car today on the way to the gym. That is all.
325-335-355 (learned how to add)-365-375-385-400
405 (fx2) I got it above my knees on the second attempt though
325-335-355 (learned how to add)-365-375-385-400
405 (fx2) I got it above my knees on the second attempt though
Monday, September 21, 2009
Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5
Press 125-130-132.5-135(f)-135(f)
Push Press 165-170-175-180-185
Push Jerk 165-170-175-180-185
I worked out with the Medford crew again. Lots of fun to hear about the cert they went to this weekend. Overall I'm pleased with my lifts today. My press till needs work but those are pr's in my push press and push jerk so bonus. Actually that press is also a pr so progress. Since we're following the main site wods, tomorrow is 1rm DL. My goal is to get that illusive 400. According to my 5rm, I've got it, now all I have to do is prove it.
Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5
Press 125-130-132.5-135(f)-135(f)
Push Press 165-170-175-180-185
Push Jerk 165-170-175-180-185
I worked out with the Medford crew again. Lots of fun to hear about the cert they went to this weekend. Overall I'm pleased with my lifts today. My press till needs work but those are pr's in my push press and push jerk so bonus. Actually that press is also a pr so progress. Since we're following the main site wods, tomorrow is 1rm DL. My goal is to get that illusive 400. According to my 5rm, I've got it, now all I have to do is prove it.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Rocky Mountain Qualifier WOD 3 Video
I stumbled across this video of the third workout we did in Denver. It was taken of someone else, but I made it in due to the angle. Enjoy.
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Garage Gym
Today I ventured into Medford, MA to join a group of crossfitters who are stationed in their garage. I found them on the mainsite forums and am glad I did. It was awesome to be able to workout with some crossfitters again. They are so nice for letting me join them. I will probably continue to workout with them in the weeks to come and perhaps even into the winter depending on what their plan is (most of the workouts are done outside). Cool stuff.
I sort of did a double wod again today. My car is parked about 1.3 miles away, so I have to walk to it to go anywhere new or off the public transit path. About halfway to my car, I realized that I had forgotten my keys. Hard luck, so I turned around and got them. In order to save some time I decided to run to my car instead of walk. No worries there, just made the wod tougher.
1.3 mile run
time unknown
50 Pull-ups
400m run
21 thrusters at 95 lbs.
800m run
21 thrusters at 95 lbs
400m run
50 pull-ups
I haven;t done pull-ups in a while so those felt a little rusty at first, but I hit my stride and was able to push through them. The runs were quite hard, especially after the thrusters. My legs were shot. All in all a great workout to meet some crossfitters and solve my gym problems. Thanks Danielle and Vinny!
I sort of did a double wod again today. My car is parked about 1.3 miles away, so I have to walk to it to go anywhere new or off the public transit path. About halfway to my car, I realized that I had forgotten my keys. Hard luck, so I turned around and got them. In order to save some time I decided to run to my car instead of walk. No worries there, just made the wod tougher.
1.3 mile run
time unknown
50 Pull-ups
400m run
21 thrusters at 95 lbs.
800m run
21 thrusters at 95 lbs
400m run
50 pull-ups
I haven;t done pull-ups in a while so those felt a little rusty at first, but I hit my stride and was able to push through them. The runs were quite hard, especially after the thrusters. My legs were shot. All in all a great workout to meet some crossfitters and solve my gym problems. Thanks Danielle and Vinny!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Back in Beantown
After a short sabbatical to the outer banks of North Carolina, I have returned to Boston with replenished motivation and ready to hit it hard, whatever it is.
The week or so vacation to OBX, as it is affectionately abbreviated, was awesome. About 25 friends from college were in attendance and a good time was had by all. For the most part I surfed (or tried to) by day and partied by night (and most of the day). Even though there is a Crossfit OBX, I was unable to attend and didn't even get in an official workout. However, I did a lot of paddling around on a surf board to fight the current, some swimming, and even wrestle someone for a short bout (I picked him up and body slammed him within a minute and he quickly surrendered, thanks Crossfit). The most exciting part of the trip though was probably after getting crushed by a huge wave (~10ft) while I was waiting for another to receive more punishment and test my lung capacity and underwater awareness. I was waiting calmly on my board catching my breath about 50 yd from the shore. When I looked over my shoulder I saw probably the most recognizable aquatic symbol known to man. That's right a shark fin. The fin was probably 15-18 inches tall representing a 10-15 ft shark (after further research my guess is a hammer head) about 30-40 ft away. As you can imagine I didn't wait for another wave. As calmly as I could I began paddling toward shore. I only looked back once and saw the ominous triangle still protruding from the water. As the shore neared, I caught a wave and rode it in. Even though I was done surfing for that day, I did return the next to further my surfing skill.
Anyway, here are the workouts I've been doing the past few day.
3 rounds for time
Run 100m
25 Squats
Run 100m
20 push-ups
10 box jumps (onto a cement traffic barrier ~30 in.)
I came up with this workout while looking out my window. I was done on the green field in the bottom right corner of the above picture. It turned out to be a fun little wod. My shoulders were on fire and the box jumps were cool. I got a few funny looks, but it was no different than working out in a globo gym.
Tuesday-Rest Day
Morning WOD
Run 4.25 miles
34:18 (two stops for traffic and one for shoes)
Evening WOD
10 rounds for time
10 Push-ups
10 sit-ups
10 squats
All sets unbroken. I figured I'd throw two workouts in today just for kicks.
On Friday I'm planning on heading to Medford to meet up with a few crossfitters with a garage gym. From what I take, it's free and I'll be able to workout with a few fellow fire-breathers. It's been a while since I've trained in a group, so I'm really looking forward to it. Should be fun.
The week or so vacation to OBX, as it is affectionately abbreviated, was awesome. About 25 friends from college were in attendance and a good time was had by all. For the most part I surfed (or tried to) by day and partied by night (and most of the day). Even though there is a Crossfit OBX, I was unable to attend and didn't even get in an official workout. However, I did a lot of paddling around on a surf board to fight the current, some swimming, and even wrestle someone for a short bout (I picked him up and body slammed him within a minute and he quickly surrendered, thanks Crossfit). The most exciting part of the trip though was probably after getting crushed by a huge wave (~10ft) while I was waiting for another to receive more punishment and test my lung capacity and underwater awareness. I was waiting calmly on my board catching my breath about 50 yd from the shore. When I looked over my shoulder I saw probably the most recognizable aquatic symbol known to man. That's right a shark fin. The fin was probably 15-18 inches tall representing a 10-15 ft shark (after further research my guess is a hammer head) about 30-40 ft away. As you can imagine I didn't wait for another wave. As calmly as I could I began paddling toward shore. I only looked back once and saw the ominous triangle still protruding from the water. As the shore neared, I caught a wave and rode it in. Even though I was done surfing for that day, I did return the next to further my surfing skill.
Anyway, here are the workouts I've been doing the past few day.
3 rounds for time
Run 100m
25 Squats
Run 100m
20 push-ups
10 box jumps (onto a cement traffic barrier ~30 in.)
I came up with this workout while looking out my window. I was done on the green field in the bottom right corner of the above picture. It turned out to be a fun little wod. My shoulders were on fire and the box jumps were cool. I got a few funny looks, but it was no different than working out in a globo gym.
Tuesday-Rest Day
Morning WOD
Run 4.25 miles
34:18 (two stops for traffic and one for shoes)
Evening WOD
10 rounds for time
10 Push-ups
10 sit-ups
10 squats
All sets unbroken. I figured I'd throw two workouts in today just for kicks.
On Friday I'm planning on heading to Medford to meet up with a few crossfitters with a garage gym. From what I take, it's free and I'll be able to workout with a few fellow fire-breathers. It's been a while since I've trained in a group, so I'm really looking forward to it. Should be fun.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
This was day two of my three day trial at Revolution Fitness. I'm still having trouble adapting to the techno/club music playing in the locker rooms. It feels a little too metro for me. However, for the price of free, it was bearable. On a side note, I accidentally stole a towel today. I was in an after wod zone (one of those oblivious ones), stuffed the towel in my backpack and didn't realize I had until I had already left the gym. Sweet deal free towel. That's what they get for playing that crappy music.
3 mile bike ride (had to find a place to fill my tires)
Dynamic Warm-up/Stretching
135lb Cleans (yes squat cleans)
Ring Dips (full lock out and arm/shoulder touching the ring on each dip)
9:21 (pr by 1:28)
Foam rolling on my quads-delightfully painful
2 mile bike home (got lost but not as bad this time)
I know that I would have gone faster if I were in a group class, so my goal is to keep the intensity up even when I'm flying solo.
3 mile bike ride (had to find a place to fill my tires)
Dynamic Warm-up/Stretching
135lb Cleans (yes squat cleans)
Ring Dips (full lock out and arm/shoulder touching the ring on each dip)
9:21 (pr by 1:28)
Foam rolling on my quads-delightfully painful
2 mile bike home (got lost but not as bad this time)
I know that I would have gone faster if I were in a group class, so my goal is to keep the intensity up even when I'm flying solo.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Revolution Fitness
Today I venture to Revolution Fitness to begin a free three day trial. They are not an affiliate but they are set up for crossfit as in they have some of the tougher to come by equipment. They seem like a decent alternative to CFB, but I'm still looking for free until a job hits.
After a brief tour of the cardio room, spin room, and strength room I was brought to "The Pit" which contained everything you needed to do crossfit. I kindly thanked the trainer for the tour and got to it. While I was warming up another guy came into the Pit wearing oly shoes and started setting up for the snatch and clean and jerk. He even did the Burgener warm up. Maybe it was a good omen. Anyway, I made full use of their amenities.
2 mile bike ride to gym
1000 meter row
21 thrusters at 95lbs
21 pull-ups
750 meter row
15 thrusters at 95lbs
15 pull-ups
500 meter row
9 thrusters at 95 lbs
9 pull-ups
2.5 mile bike ride home (got lost)
The thrusters felt lighter than I expected but it was tough to transition from rowing to Fran. I rested way too much. I'll probably head back tomorrow and Friday but won't sign anywhere until I get a job.
After a brief tour of the cardio room, spin room, and strength room I was brought to "The Pit" which contained everything you needed to do crossfit. I kindly thanked the trainer for the tour and got to it. While I was warming up another guy came into the Pit wearing oly shoes and started setting up for the snatch and clean and jerk. He even did the Burgener warm up. Maybe it was a good omen. Anyway, I made full use of their amenities.
2 mile bike ride to gym
1000 meter row
21 thrusters at 95lbs
21 pull-ups
750 meter row
15 thrusters at 95lbs
15 pull-ups
500 meter row
9 thrusters at 95 lbs
9 pull-ups
2.5 mile bike ride home (got lost)
The thrusters felt lighter than I expected but it was tough to transition from rowing to Fran. I rested way too much. I'll probably head back tomorrow and Friday but won't sign anywhere until I get a job.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Resourcefulness is the name of the game. Without a proper gym, I'm required to create workouts that I have the means to do and fulfill the crossfit ideology. I am looking forward to being creative and finding fun ways for self torture (so to speak).
Friday 8/28
Didn't have a lot of time to workout because I was lazy so I just did Tabata Push-ups
Tabata Push-ups
84 total
It's not my best showing. Luckily my future workouts are likely to hold tons of push-ups.
Sunday 8/30
A friend of mine, interested in Crossfit, took me to his gym for the day and I came up with a workout. I'm not particularly proud of it but it spiked his intrigue.
3 Rounds for time
10 DB swings 75lbs
20 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
Only had to break the push-ups on that one.
After that we took a little break and did Squats
Back Squat 5x5
I would have done one more set, but my friend was ready to leave and my body was telling me that 225 was good enough for now. I think I could have done more though.
Monday 8/31
Today I ventured into the world of running in Boston. Luckily I found a nice river run that is designed specifically for just that. To make it a little interesting a stuffed a few text books in my backpack and turned it into a ruck run. Not sure of the weight but if I had to guess it would be around 20 lbs.
5 mile run with a 20 lb pack
I really kind of enjoyed this run. I never felt out of gas and was the only guy out there with a pack on. Haha. It would have been faster too but I had to stop 4 times, twice to tie my shoe and twice for a traffic light.
Here are some possible future workouts.
12 story stair run (repeats or with an exercise on each level donkey kong style)
Sprint repeats on the green
Park Bench Jumps
Oly lifts when I find a place to do them
Friday 8/28
Didn't have a lot of time to workout because I was lazy so I just did Tabata Push-ups
Tabata Push-ups
84 total
It's not my best showing. Luckily my future workouts are likely to hold tons of push-ups.
Sunday 8/30
A friend of mine, interested in Crossfit, took me to his gym for the day and I came up with a workout. I'm not particularly proud of it but it spiked his intrigue.
3 Rounds for time
10 DB swings 75lbs
20 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
Only had to break the push-ups on that one.
After that we took a little break and did Squats
Back Squat 5x5
I would have done one more set, but my friend was ready to leave and my body was telling me that 225 was good enough for now. I think I could have done more though.
Monday 8/31
Today I ventured into the world of running in Boston. Luckily I found a nice river run that is designed specifically for just that. To make it a little interesting a stuffed a few text books in my backpack and turned it into a ruck run. Not sure of the weight but if I had to guess it would be around 20 lbs.
5 mile run with a 20 lb pack
I really kind of enjoyed this run. I never felt out of gas and was the only guy out there with a pack on. Haha. It would have been faster too but I had to stop 4 times, twice to tie my shoe and twice for a traffic light.
Here are some possible future workouts.
12 story stair run (repeats or with an exercise on each level donkey kong style)
Sprint repeats on the green
Park Bench Jumps
Oly lifts when I find a place to do them
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Waiting
Today I realize I am in the a waiting phase in my life. I'm waiting to hear back on jobs, waiting to hear back from med schools, and waiting until I have enough money to join Crossfit Boston. Hopefully this will build patience or something like that.
The above picture was taken from my apartment window overlooking downtown Boston. It's pretty cool but I prefer mountains and trees. Haha.
Today I tried the building's fitness center. I thought I had it rough in Minnesota, but this is much worse. The heaviest weight in the room is a 50lb db and there is no pull-up bar what so ever. However, I will not be deterred. I plan on going to parks to do bar work. Maybe I'll become a Bar-tenda or something like that. I'd also like to start some parkuor stuff, real primal.
50 Man makers with 50 lb dbs
I'm not sure if they were official man-makers, but I did a push up, then clean and jerks the weight. Most of them were clean thrusters. I'm not terribly pleased with that time, but it just felt weird working out with so many mirrors and in something that felt more like an office than a gym. When life gives you lemons...
The above picture was taken from my apartment window overlooking downtown Boston. It's pretty cool but I prefer mountains and trees. Haha.
Today I tried the building's fitness center. I thought I had it rough in Minnesota, but this is much worse. The heaviest weight in the room is a 50lb db and there is no pull-up bar what so ever. However, I will not be deterred. I plan on going to parks to do bar work. Maybe I'll become a Bar-tenda or something like that. I'd also like to start some parkuor stuff, real primal.
50 Man makers with 50 lb dbs
I'm not sure if they were official man-makers, but I did a push up, then clean and jerks the weight. Most of them were clean thrusters. I'm not terribly pleased with that time, but it just felt weird working out with so many mirrors and in something that felt more like an office than a gym. When life gives you lemons...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Boston Crossfit Fitness Evaluation
This morning I had what people here in Boston call a 'fitness evaluation,' which for me was an explanation of my crossfit experience, a dynamic warm-up, and the Petranek Baseline. My trainer was Alex Straus. We talked shop for a bit at first while waiting for another guy to show up for the eval. I hadn't told them I was in crossfit before but that was the first thing he asked so no real surprises...until the workout. The other guy was a marine who had been doing crossfit while on tour and was picking it up for the first time in an affiliate. Our warm-up was strangely familiar (but not surprisingly so). It included knees to chest, spiderman, walking lunges with a twist, skips, high kicks, and such very similar to Omaha. We then moved on to the workout and went over rom requirements. I was able to learn a few new things about rowing, but everything else was standard except sit-ups were done with the soles of the feet together and knees spread out. Not too bad though. Finally we got on with it.
My row time was 1:37.5 and I did all sets unbroken.
Petranek Baseline
500m row
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
I was pretty surprised when I heard the time and I think they were too. That puts me in the elite category for the baseline and a 24 second pr from last May! Unfortunately I don't have the money to feed the addiction so I'm going to refer people like mad and as soon as I get a job I'm going to sign up and show them what CFO training can do!
My row time was 1:37.5 and I did all sets unbroken.
Petranek Baseline
500m row
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
I was pretty surprised when I heard the time and I think they were too. That puts me in the elite category for the baseline and a 24 second pr from last May! Unfortunately I don't have the money to feed the addiction so I'm going to refer people like mad and as soon as I get a job I'm going to sign up and show them what CFO training can do!
Monday, August 24, 2009
After a summer of planning and hard work, I have finally arrived in Boston ready for another year. It took two days of solid driving totaling 25 hours and 1470 miles. Naturally I drove it for time. Also I cut across Canada, stopping in North Bay for the night, and spent most of my time converting kilometers to miles. It was a scenic route and better than taking the interstate through Chicago. But now I am officially in Boston and am beginning to adapt here. Yesterday a friend of mine took me out on a boat and we cruised the Charles and drove out to Hingham Harbor where we met another friend. It was a great way to be introduced to Boston and the surrounding area. Last night I moved into my new place and finished unpacking this morning. Later today I will go explore the surrounding area (for those interested here is where I live). I have already registered for a fitness assessment at Crossfit Boston and hope to get that underway soon.
Before I left Hibbing I did one last workout with my friend Trevor. Since he wouldn't have the chance for a team wod for a while, we did "Cheif-ette," the same workout from the superclass when the commercial was shot. Last time my partner was Zachr and we each got 15 total rounds. This time Trevor got 14 rounds and I got 16 so we still totalled 30 rounds we just gt there differently. I can;t wait to get back in the swing of things. My diet has been poor (well I actually haven't been eating a lot and am going to get food right now in fact). Cheers!
Before I left Hibbing I did one last workout with my friend Trevor. Since he wouldn't have the chance for a team wod for a while, we did "Cheif-ette," the same workout from the superclass when the commercial was shot. Last time my partner was Zachr and we each got 15 total rounds. This time Trevor got 14 rounds and I got 16 so we still totalled 30 rounds we just gt there differently. I can;t wait to get back in the swing of things. My diet has been poor (well I actually haven't been eating a lot and am going to get food right now in fact). Cheers!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Post Camping
Well, I'm out of the woods and back into the world of Internet and cell phone service. I must admit, it's been nice escaping the 'real' world for a while to relax and recalibrate the machinery. Now that I'm back things will start moving very quickly once again. This Friday I will begin the two day trek out to Boston. I'm contemplating taking the King's Highway route through Canada just because I have time and that might be a cool drive. Once I get to Boston I'm not sure what I'll do really. I've got two job interviews set up but they are a month apart, also I'm waiting to hear back from a phone interview I had last Thursday to see if they want to meet face to face. I did find a place to live in downtown Boston where I won't have to pay rent until I get a job, so I really lucked out. Hopefully jobs will pick up soon and I can get to work making moolah because then I can join Crossfit Boston and get back at it. This summer, although a great time to spend the word about Crossfit, has not been the best training-wise. My diet has been mediocre at best and my workouts have been limited and sporadic. But that's life and if nothing else I'll move to the woods and start lifting trees and rocks while living off the land. Haha. Anywho, here's what I've been up to.
Camping WOD
~2 mile run through the campground.
Time: Unknown but I was the fastest of 4 relatively fit individuals by a large margin
Today's WOD
4 Rounds
10 225lb DL
15 Burpees
(run down stairs and dodge the elderly)
200m run
Today's workout was great, a nice hard workout that keeps you moving. I was able not to stop once or break any sets. Overall I felt pretty good about it but the run could have been faster. Also, I did this at the tail end of an 18 hour fast. Fun stuff.
Camping WOD
~2 mile run through the campground.
Time: Unknown but I was the fastest of 4 relatively fit individuals by a large margin
Today's WOD
4 Rounds
10 225lb DL
15 Burpees
(run down stairs and dodge the elderly)
200m run
Today's workout was great, a nice hard workout that keeps you moving. I was able not to stop once or break any sets. Overall I felt pretty good about it but the run could have been faster. Also, I did this at the tail end of an 18 hour fast. Fun stuff.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Just a quick one today since I'm hitting the road for a weekend of camping in Wisconsin.
5 rounds for time
15 Push Press 65lbs
15 K2E
15 Squats
Since today was my brother's last day up north I let him pick the workout. It wasn't too bad, I just need to work on k2e. Later!
5 rounds for time
15 Push Press 65lbs
15 K2E
15 Squats
Since today was my brother's last day up north I let him pick the workout. It wasn't too bad, I just need to work on k2e. Later!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Just another day
10 rounds for time
8 DL 185 lbs
10 bar push-ups
12 ankles to bar
I let my brother pick the workout today and this is what he chose. DL and push-ups were easy, but the ankles to bar were tough. I'm still getting used to knees to elbows and motions like that. Those are what slowed the workout. Yesterday I read all the articles posted on the Games sites about Mikko and have made a goal of becoming tougher mentally. It sounds like he was almost unfazed by the reps that didn't count and just kept pushing. I've found that trait in some of my Scandinavian friends and wonder if it's just part of their culture. I would also like to up my training, but that may be easier said than done.
A funny story from the Williams Brothers
My brother, Jay, and I have been doing crossfit as best we can all summer. I must say he has come a long way. For example, he did today's WOD rx'd only a few minutes slower than me, but be started the summer not being able to do most wods rx'd. Anyway, this story takes place on our way home from the gym one day. As you can assume we were quite alert and our minds and bodies were functioning to their fullest. It was a tough wod that day and we all know what that feels like. As we causally drove home we began threatening each other in a way only brothers can do..."I'm going to crash this car into an embankment!" "I'm going to shove a peach pit in your nose!" "Well I'm going to punch you right in the ear!" Creative yet ominous these one uppers continued. As I said we were sharp as a tack during the drive and since my brother never mumbles he was able to dispense understandable insults as quick as than a frozen trout, quicker in fact. But from a fluke or perhaps some swamp gas reflecting the light from Venus, he stuttered out something illegible. What he said was, "well you'd better look up the definition of an ass beating!" But what I heard was, "mumble, mumble, mumble...ass beavers!" Shocked that I had never heard of these interesting mammals before I asked, "what's an ass beaver?" We began to expound on the nature of the beast and from where it originates. Finally we concluded that these 'ass beavers' if you will, live in your large intestine and regulate you digestion. At times they build dams resulting in, well I'm sure you can guess. Nevertheless we were able to not only discover a new species that day, but also drop a knowledge bomb on the medical world! Since then we have discovered various other beavers that harm you in various ways. Anyways, thought you might enjoy some of the random truth we have up north. Take care and watch out for those ass beavers!
10 rounds for time
8 DL 185 lbs
10 bar push-ups
12 ankles to bar
I let my brother pick the workout today and this is what he chose. DL and push-ups were easy, but the ankles to bar were tough. I'm still getting used to knees to elbows and motions like that. Those are what slowed the workout. Yesterday I read all the articles posted on the Games sites about Mikko and have made a goal of becoming tougher mentally. It sounds like he was almost unfazed by the reps that didn't count and just kept pushing. I've found that trait in some of my Scandinavian friends and wonder if it's just part of their culture. I would also like to up my training, but that may be easier said than done.
A funny story from the Williams Brothers
My brother, Jay, and I have been doing crossfit as best we can all summer. I must say he has come a long way. For example, he did today's WOD rx'd only a few minutes slower than me, but be started the summer not being able to do most wods rx'd. Anyway, this story takes place on our way home from the gym one day. As you can assume we were quite alert and our minds and bodies were functioning to their fullest. It was a tough wod that day and we all know what that feels like. As we causally drove home we began threatening each other in a way only brothers can do..."I'm going to crash this car into an embankment!" "I'm going to shove a peach pit in your nose!" "Well I'm going to punch you right in the ear!" Creative yet ominous these one uppers continued. As I said we were sharp as a tack during the drive and since my brother never mumbles he was able to dispense understandable insults as quick as than a frozen trout, quicker in fact. But from a fluke or perhaps some swamp gas reflecting the light from Venus, he stuttered out something illegible. What he said was, "well you'd better look up the definition of an ass beating!" But what I heard was, "mumble, mumble, mumble...ass beavers!" Shocked that I had never heard of these interesting mammals before I asked, "what's an ass beaver?" We began to expound on the nature of the beast and from where it originates. Finally we concluded that these 'ass beavers' if you will, live in your large intestine and regulate you digestion. At times they build dams resulting in, well I'm sure you can guess. Nevertheless we were able to not only discover a new species that day, but also drop a knowledge bomb on the medical world! Since then we have discovered various other beavers that harm you in various ways. Anyways, thought you might enjoy some of the random truth we have up north. Take care and watch out for those ass beavers!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I mush say it is hard keeping up with workouts while traveling. At Lake Powell, I kept active, swimming, tubing, water skiing, hiking, climbing, and so on just about every day, but after taking a break like that from Crossfit coming back hurts.
Here is my first one back
5 Rounds for time
10 Back Squats 175 lbs
10 DB swings 75lbs
Just under 9:30
My friend and I were sharing a bar so I got a decent chunk of rest after each round as he did his squats. I was able to not have to break up any of the sets of squats, but there came a point where I couldn't swing the db high enough to count it. This was a tough one. That day and the following I spent hobbling around loading and unloading a uhaul for me folks. After two days of painful rest (didn't have time to workout) I returned to the gym to do a modified Jackie.
Mod Jackie
100 SDHP 45lbs
50 Thrusters 45lbs
30 Pull-ups
This was felt pretty easy and I probably should have pushed it harder. Hopefully next time I'll have a rower. I'll try and get another 2 or 3 wods in before I leave for camping this weekend. Maybe I'll even do something there (but probably not).
Here is my first one back
5 Rounds for time
10 Back Squats 175 lbs
10 DB swings 75lbs
Just under 9:30
My friend and I were sharing a bar so I got a decent chunk of rest after each round as he did his squats. I was able to not have to break up any of the sets of squats, but there came a point where I couldn't swing the db high enough to count it. This was a tough one. That day and the following I spent hobbling around loading and unloading a uhaul for me folks. After two days of painful rest (didn't have time to workout) I returned to the gym to do a modified Jackie.
Mod Jackie
100 SDHP 45lbs
50 Thrusters 45lbs
30 Pull-ups
This was felt pretty easy and I probably should have pushed it harder. Hopefully next time I'll have a rower. I'll try and get another 2 or 3 wods in before I leave for camping this weekend. Maybe I'll even do something there (but probably not).
Monday, July 27, 2009
Time to Report
First off I would like to congratulate Angela on her first muscle up! Nicely done!
Saturday WOD
AMRAP in 20
10 20lb DB Thrusters
10 Sit-ups
10 Back extensions
15 rounds
I think I could have done more but I had to share a back extension machine with 2 other guys. That meant if I was going to lap them I had to do it on the thrusters and sit-ups after they had a little head start. That was fine though, it kept the intensity up.
Sunday WOD
5 rounds for time
Max Rep BW bench press (done just below body weight at 155)
Max rep pull-ups
Bench: 10, 9, 9, 8, 8
Pull-ups: 21, 20, 20, 17, 20
This work out not as fun as it could have been. Bench is probably my weakest lift and I really don't like the pull-up bar in the gym. I will have to come back to this one and put up some proper pull-up numbers.
Monday WOD
AMRAP in 20
5 pull-ups
10 push ups
15 squats
22 full rounds
Pace felt good on this one. I still had to share the pull-up bar but that was not a big deal. The only thing I had to break was the push ups and that was into 2 sets of 5. This is a 4 round pr from my VERY FIRST wod at CFO. I'm quite happy with that.
Well, I leave tomorrow to go houseboating in Arizona on Lake Powell. This will be a family trip of sorts. My sister and I are going to meet up with a few cousins, aunts, and uncles (in fact for those who went to Denver it is that crew) for a week of fun. I will most likely swim a lot, but not much in the way of wods. We'll see though. Now some of you may be asking, " John...surfing in Rhode Island, Houseboating on Lake Powell, how can you afford to travel so much with essentially no income?" My answer to you is simply, " I can't." However, I have a feeling that in about a year when med school picks up I'll be glad I did. Anyway, maybe you'll get some pictures from this one, but then again maybe not. Cheers!
Saturday WOD
AMRAP in 20
10 20lb DB Thrusters
10 Sit-ups
10 Back extensions
15 rounds
I think I could have done more but I had to share a back extension machine with 2 other guys. That meant if I was going to lap them I had to do it on the thrusters and sit-ups after they had a little head start. That was fine though, it kept the intensity up.
Sunday WOD
5 rounds for time
Max Rep BW bench press (done just below body weight at 155)
Max rep pull-ups
Bench: 10, 9, 9, 8, 8
Pull-ups: 21, 20, 20, 17, 20
This work out not as fun as it could have been. Bench is probably my weakest lift and I really don't like the pull-up bar in the gym. I will have to come back to this one and put up some proper pull-up numbers.
Monday WOD
AMRAP in 20
5 pull-ups
10 push ups
15 squats
22 full rounds
Pace felt good on this one. I still had to share the pull-up bar but that was not a big deal. The only thing I had to break was the push ups and that was into 2 sets of 5. This is a 4 round pr from my VERY FIRST wod at CFO. I'm quite happy with that.
Well, I leave tomorrow to go houseboating in Arizona on Lake Powell. This will be a family trip of sorts. My sister and I are going to meet up with a few cousins, aunts, and uncles (in fact for those who went to Denver it is that crew) for a week of fun. I will most likely swim a lot, but not much in the way of wods. We'll see though. Now some of you may be asking, " John...surfing in Rhode Island, Houseboating on Lake Powell, how can you afford to travel so much with essentially no income?" My answer to you is simply, " I can't." However, I have a feeling that in about a year when med school picks up I'll be glad I did. Anyway, maybe you'll get some pictures from this one, but then again maybe not. Cheers!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Double Unders
Sit ups
7:10 (pr by 2 minutes)
I found a jump rope and it just sort of happened.
Double Unders
Sit ups
7:10 (pr by 2 minutes)
I found a jump rope and it just sort of happened.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Eva take 2
5 rounds
800m run
30 KB Swings 2 pood
30 Pull-ups
40 Minute Cut-off
DNF- finished 4 full rounds in 40 minutes
Last time I did Eva was December 23, 2008 and I did it at the same gym I'm working out in now. At that point I did 4 rounds in 46:40 minutes so, progress. The pull-ups weren't bad except the bar is still a pain. For the swings I used a 75lb dumb bell, but would have much rather used a kettle bell. Luckily Trevor showed me how far 200m was on the road outside the gym so we were able to run outside today. Since we had to run downstairs and through the front door I was able to cleanly tackle one old lady and two old men (not really but I came awfully close to doing so). This was a grueling one. Glad to see all the great efforts at CFO! Awesome work people!
5 rounds
800m run
30 KB Swings 2 pood
30 Pull-ups
40 Minute Cut-off
DNF- finished 4 full rounds in 40 minutes
Last time I did Eva was December 23, 2008 and I did it at the same gym I'm working out in now. At that point I did 4 rounds in 46:40 minutes so, progress. The pull-ups weren't bad except the bar is still a pain. For the swings I used a 75lb dumb bell, but would have much rather used a kettle bell. Luckily Trevor showed me how far 200m was on the road outside the gym so we were able to run outside today. Since we had to run downstairs and through the front door I was able to cleanly tackle one old lady and two old men (not really but I came awfully close to doing so). This was a grueling one. Glad to see all the great efforts at CFO! Awesome work people!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Well that's unexpected...
It was a great day to be in the gym. Almost every crossfit site I checked had a registered strength day and, due to the activities of the night before, I could not complain. Moderately hung over and slightly tired, I proceeded to the gym to lift with a few friends. My brother, eager to do a quick workout, met me there as well and I quickly dispatched him to do WOD #2 of the Rocky Mountain Qualifiers (scaled to regular pull-ups and 155lb squats-pretty much body weight for him). While he cranked out a 7:17 on the workout my two friends, Trevor and John, and I started ripping out some dead lifts. Since Jay was using the only squat rack in the place we opted for deadlifts over squats. Neither Trevor nor John knew their 1RM so we just kind of played it by ear. John made it to 285 before his form destroyed him. We dropped it down to 225 and really focused on getting the correct technique. Trevor, however, held his own. And on his second attempt at a set of 345, set a hefty baseline from which to build. I know I have mentioned before that my strength lies more in multiple repetitions as opposed to one rep maxes and today really brought the point home. My 1RM from June for dead lift is 365, but today I was able to pull 355 for 5 reps. How does that work?!? That means my 1RM should be up at 405, right? Bizarre as that was I was pumped to be able to lift that much. To put icing on the cake though, as soon as I finished my huge pr a gym attendant came upstairs and scolded us for almost knocking the building down. Apparently the windows were shaking downstairs and he was concerned. I should have told that's what you should expect when people do some SERIOUS lifting in their 'weight room.' But I didn't, instead I just smiled and nodded.
Deadlift 5x5
275, 295, 315, 335(pr), 355(pr)
After the workout, Trevor asked for some help with his overhead squats. Being the local crossfit expert I complied and we worked on the progression from air squats with arms overhead to overhead squats with the bar and we even worked on the snatch. And wouldn't you know by the end of our drills his overhead squats started resembling overhead squats. Next time we'll add some weight. This got me thinking though, maybe Crossfit Boston needs another trainer...
Deadlift 5x5
275, 295, 315, 335(pr), 355(pr)
After the workout, Trevor asked for some help with his overhead squats. Being the local crossfit expert I complied and we worked on the progression from air squats with arms overhead to overhead squats with the bar and we even worked on the snatch. And wouldn't you know by the end of our drills his overhead squats started resembling overhead squats. Next time we'll add some weight. This got me thinking though, maybe Crossfit Boston needs another trainer...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
6 in a row
Today while working out I realized that it was my 6th day in a row. Surprisingly I feel pretty good. Now I know that there are some beastly crossfitters out there who never seem to get sore or tired and can workout for weeks on end (Angela), but i can't remember the last time I went for 6 days without a break. Anyway here are the last three days.
Friday 07/17/09
DT ( at 125lbs 56% 1RM)
5 rounds for time
12 DL
6 Push Jerk
Saturday 07/18/09
Tabata (8 rounds for each exercises)
DB swings 55lbs
Sit ups
Push ups
Lowest round/total reps
DB swings: 9/73
Sit ups: 13/81
Push ups: 10/88
Squats: 20/160
Totals: 52/402
Sunday 07/19/09
50 Box jumps (20")
50 jumping pulls ups
50 DB swings 35lbs
50 Walking lunges
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push presses 45lbs
50 Back extensions
50 DB thrusters 20lbs
50 Burpees
We did the best we could at the gym to do filthy fifty, but didn't have decent jumps rope, a 24" box, or 20lb wall balls, but we made do. Just for the record this was my first crossfit wod ever and I think I threw up during the burpees. Ah memories...
Friday 07/17/09
DT ( at 125lbs 56% 1RM)
5 rounds for time
12 DL
6 Push Jerk
Saturday 07/18/09
Tabata (8 rounds for each exercises)
DB swings 55lbs
Sit ups
Push ups
Lowest round/total reps
DB swings: 9/73
Sit ups: 13/81
Push ups: 10/88
Squats: 20/160
Totals: 52/402
Sunday 07/19/09
50 Box jumps (20")
50 jumping pulls ups
50 DB swings 35lbs
50 Walking lunges
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push presses 45lbs
50 Back extensions
50 DB thrusters 20lbs
50 Burpees
We did the best we could at the gym to do filthy fifty, but didn't have decent jumps rope, a 24" box, or 20lb wall balls, but we made do. Just for the record this was my first crossfit wod ever and I think I threw up during the burpees. Ah memories...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
High School Gym
Today I was finally able to get into the high school gym and work on some heavy cleans. First I worked with my brother on form and technique and then we began working toward a 1RM. We were taking it slowing and trying to perform each lift as best as possible. This was his first time with heavy cleans, so his technique was a bit off, but with time and more practice I'm sure he'll get there. We didn't really get to any work sets because the coach at the gym gave us a 5 minute warning when I just got to 175. I then jumped to 205 and got one last attempt in at 225. Those were big jumps so I expect my 1rm is higher than 225, but that is still a pr. Hopefully I'll have another shot at it before the end of the summer to give it a real go.
Clean 1RM
Clean 1RM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Awesome Job at the Games!
Congratulations and a resounding Well Done to everyone who competed at the games! You did amazing and represented Omaha in the highest order!
I wish I could have been there to see you perform. With any luck that can be made a reality next year (keep your fingers crossed).
I took a little hiatus this weekend to drink some beers and then I did some doctor shadowing on Monday.
Tuesday WOD
115 Push Press
Lateral jumps over an 18" barrier
This one was short and sweet. Push presses were just tough enough and lateral jumps were challenging to do in rapid succession.
Once again congrats to everyone who was at the games!
I wish I could have been there to see you perform. With any luck that can be made a reality next year (keep your fingers crossed).
I took a little hiatus this weekend to drink some beers and then I did some doctor shadowing on Monday.
Tuesday WOD
115 Push Press
Lateral jumps over an 18" barrier
This one was short and sweet. Push presses were just tough enough and lateral jumps were challenging to do in rapid succession.
Once again congrats to everyone who was at the games!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Congrats CFO!
Well I just looked at the affiliate cup results and am so excited for the affiliate team! Congratulations on an awesome performance! I wish I could have been there to see it. Well done!
As for me today, not so much. I did the running squats wod and missed my pr by 25 seconds. I've been training hard when I have the chance, but the facility up here is so restricting it makes it difficult to push it. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to some serious stuff out in Boston.
Also, my brother and a friend of mine did this wod today. It is always more fun to workout with other people.
4 rounds for time
400 meter run
50 squats
As for me today, not so much. I did the running squats wod and missed my pr by 25 seconds. I've been training hard when I have the chance, but the facility up here is so restricting it makes it difficult to push it. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to some serious stuff out in Boston.
Also, my brother and a friend of mine did this wod today. It is always more fun to workout with other people.
4 rounds for time
400 meter run
50 squats
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Someone out there is thinking
When my brother broke into a 2lb container of organic yogurt today and said they were promoting a movie I thought it would be about how their product is the best. However, when I checked out the website I was delightfully surprised. The movie is called Food Inc. and talks about how the food industry is basically poisoning the world by ignoring nutrition and only looking to make a profit.
Here's the trailer:
Perhaps this will be the start of a food renaissance, but that seems overly optimistic. At the least those who care enough about what they stuff in their pie holes will come out the wiser and live better lives for it.
As for today, my brother and I did the CFO wod with a slight modification. Instead of cartwheels we did burpees.
3 rounds for time
30 Walking lunges
20 DB Thrusters 35lbs
10 Burpees
My legs sure felt it today after the front squats from yesterday. Also I can;t wait to see what the wods will be for the games this weekend. Once again good luck everyone!
Here's the trailer:
Perhaps this will be the start of a food renaissance, but that seems overly optimistic. At the least those who care enough about what they stuff in their pie holes will come out the wiser and live better lives for it.
As for today, my brother and I did the CFO wod with a slight modification. Instead of cartwheels we did burpees.
3 rounds for time
30 Walking lunges
20 DB Thrusters 35lbs
10 Burpees
My legs sure felt it today after the front squats from yesterday. Also I can;t wait to see what the wods will be for the games this weekend. Once again good luck everyone!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Out of the woods
Just got back from a weekend of deep woods activity. I chop a lot of wood, moved some heavy things, and even came up with a workout one day. I meant to tape it but it just kind of happened.
July 3rd
Cabin Wod
Swim-10 strokes out and then back (one stroke included both left and right arms)
run up the hill to the wood pile ~100m
Clean and throw a log there and back ~75 ft one way (log weighed between 50 and 75 lbs)
400 m run to the end of the driveway with a 25lb log on back
10 log clean and jerks with same log used for clean and throws
run down hill to lake
10 strokes out and then swim back
No time but lots of fun
July 6th
power cleans 75% BW (I used 125lbs ~78%)
July 7th
165 lb FS
Good luck to all those heading out to Cali for the games! You will represent CFO in the fullest!
July 3rd
Cabin Wod
Swim-10 strokes out and then back (one stroke included both left and right arms)
run up the hill to the wood pile ~100m
Clean and throw a log there and back ~75 ft one way (log weighed between 50 and 75 lbs)
400 m run to the end of the driveway with a 25lb log on back
10 log clean and jerks with same log used for clean and throws
run down hill to lake
10 strokes out and then swim back
No time but lots of fun
July 6th
power cleans 75% BW (I used 125lbs ~78%)
July 7th
165 lb FS
Good luck to all those heading out to Cali for the games! You will represent CFO in the fullest!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Was that a crossfit class?
Well, there were four of us today. It seems like people are crawling out of the woodwork for crossfit. My brother and his friend Mike did a scaled version of the CFFB wod substituting 225lb for the dead lift. They both finished around 22-23 minutes. Also John Steinbauer showed up and when given the option between a few workouts chose Elizabeth. He scaled with both the cleans-power cleans at 115- and the ring dips -some foot assist. This was his second wod of the summer so the fact that he finished and was pushing hard was good enough. I think his time was 20 something. All three of those boys started at the same time and I was there, stopwatch in hand, coaching (or trying to anyway) them through the wods. It was fun being on the giving and not receiving end of a workout but I got mine nevertheless. After they finished I also did Elizabeth rx'd.
135 lb cleans
ring dips
The cleans were tough and since I was using iron plates I couldn't drop anything. I'm not sure how much of a difference that made, but I think it would have been easier to clean and drop than to clean and lower the bar. Anyway it was a good workout and I was fairly happy with it. We've got a pretty committed group of people now doing crossfit which is exciting. I'm doing my best to lead by example with form integrity and working with them on their technique. I just hope I'm leading them down the right path. My back is still feeling the DL from the other day so tomorrow's rest day with be great. Northwoods crossfit workouts this weekend. Should be fun.
135 lb cleans
ring dips
The cleans were tough and since I was using iron plates I couldn't drop anything. I'm not sure how much of a difference that made, but I think it would have been easier to clean and drop than to clean and lower the bar. Anyway it was a good workout and I was fairly happy with it. We've got a pretty committed group of people now doing crossfit which is exciting. I'm doing my best to lead by example with form integrity and working with them on their technique. I just hope I'm leading them down the right path. My back is still feeling the DL from the other day so tomorrow's rest day with be great. Northwoods crossfit workouts this weekend. Should be fun.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Add two to the tribe
Today I introduced two more people to crossfit, John and Natalie Steinbauer. John is a year younger than me and Natalie is four. With these two now doing crossfit that makes 7 people I have help convert over the past year (5 this summer alone). However I don't deserve all the credit since crossfit sells itself. Anyway today I had John and Natalie do a variation of my first wod at CFO.
4 rounds for time
400m run
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
They don't quite get the hard push yet, but it will come and they both seemed to have fun. I've been tying with some ideas on how to successfully incorporate runs in the wods up here. the weight room is on the second floor which means stairs whenever you want to run, plus if you go outside (preferable to treadmills) you might have to plow through some senior citizens (pesky more than anything). However, that may be what it comes down to. I'll be meeting with the Steinbauers again tomorrow along with my brother and am doing my best to properly train these people. I'm just glad I have such great advice and coaching down in Omaha.
With this many people doing crossfit up here i think Crossfit Northwoods might not be too far away. Also, I'm trying to schedule an Oly day at the high school some time in the next two weeks. That should be fun.
Anyway down to business.
7 rounds
10 1 legged squats
15 pull-ups
~18 minutes (forgot a stopwatch)
I would have done 10 rounds but John and Natalie had finished their wod.
After watching transformers today I was inspired to try a new type of workout. When the characters were running away from some decepticons I thought to myself, I wonder what I'd be able to do if some autonomic robotic creature were chasing me. Whenever someone is chased I think their mind reverts back to a primal setting and instinct outweighs thought. Actions are taken without hesitation and the body responds flawlessly. To test this I will have my brother chase me through the woods of our cabin this weekend maybe for 5 or 10 minutes and then I will chase him. A good old fashioned game of tag perhaps. We are also going to try to make a wod that combines swimming, chopping wood, and perhaps moving some logs. That should also be fun. What a great way to celebrate the Fourth.
4 rounds for time
400m run
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
They don't quite get the hard push yet, but it will come and they both seemed to have fun. I've been tying with some ideas on how to successfully incorporate runs in the wods up here. the weight room is on the second floor which means stairs whenever you want to run, plus if you go outside (preferable to treadmills) you might have to plow through some senior citizens (pesky more than anything). However, that may be what it comes down to. I'll be meeting with the Steinbauers again tomorrow along with my brother and am doing my best to properly train these people. I'm just glad I have such great advice and coaching down in Omaha.
With this many people doing crossfit up here i think Crossfit Northwoods might not be too far away. Also, I'm trying to schedule an Oly day at the high school some time in the next two weeks. That should be fun.
Anyway down to business.
7 rounds
10 1 legged squats
15 pull-ups
~18 minutes (forgot a stopwatch)
I would have done 10 rounds but John and Natalie had finished their wod.
After watching transformers today I was inspired to try a new type of workout. When the characters were running away from some decepticons I thought to myself, I wonder what I'd be able to do if some autonomic robotic creature were chasing me. Whenever someone is chased I think their mind reverts back to a primal setting and instinct outweighs thought. Actions are taken without hesitation and the body responds flawlessly. To test this I will have my brother chase me through the woods of our cabin this weekend maybe for 5 or 10 minutes and then I will chase him. A good old fashioned game of tag perhaps. We are also going to try to make a wod that combines swimming, chopping wood, and perhaps moving some logs. That should also be fun. What a great way to celebrate the Fourth.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
And Back
Well, after an awesome adventure to the surf paradise of Rhode Island, I am back in Minnesota's north woods. I may or may not write a few chronicles describing my trip and if I do they will be listed here. Keep your eyes open.
On to business. To wods on the trip and today hit me hard.
315 lb. DL
I know this one was supposed to be scaled to 70-75% of your 1RM, but I wanted to push it weight wise. Anyway, I'm feeling it. It's good to be back.
On to business. To wods on the trip and today hit me hard.
315 lb. DL
I know this one was supposed to be scaled to 70-75% of your 1RM, but I wanted to push it weight wise. Anyway, I'm feeling it. It's good to be back.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
CFFB Cindy
AMRAP in 12 minutes
5 pull-ups
10 push-up
15 Box jumps 20"
13 rounds
As with regular Cindy I took all my rest during the push-ups. I wish I had a real box up here though. I was jumping onto a plate on a bench. Shaky at best and I had to abort a few attempts due to instability. Once again I was working out with Jay and Mike only this time we were doing the same workout. Since we were all using the same pull-up bar I always tried to go faster to get it while it was open and get through my 5 as fast as I could. This helped keep the pace.
Tomorrow is a rest day and I will be heading to Ames to meet up with a friend of mine. We will be going to the surf paradise of Rhode Island for a week. During that time I may look into a few affiliates out there otherwise I will have to come up with beach workout or perhaps a few swimming wods (like out swim a shark or something). It will be a fun trip and I look forward to a little break. The past few weeks have been lots of work. I'll try and take some picture and maybe I'll post as well. Who knows.
Until then hang loose!
AMRAP in 12 minutes
5 pull-ups
10 push-up
15 Box jumps 20"
13 rounds
As with regular Cindy I took all my rest during the push-ups. I wish I had a real box up here though. I was jumping onto a plate on a bench. Shaky at best and I had to abort a few attempts due to instability. Once again I was working out with Jay and Mike only this time we were doing the same workout. Since we were all using the same pull-up bar I always tried to go faster to get it while it was open and get through my 5 as fast as I could. This helped keep the pace.
Tomorrow is a rest day and I will be heading to Ames to meet up with a friend of mine. We will be going to the surf paradise of Rhode Island for a week. During that time I may look into a few affiliates out there otherwise I will have to come up with beach workout or perhaps a few swimming wods (like out swim a shark or something). It will be a fun trip and I look forward to a little break. The past few weeks have been lots of work. I'll try and take some picture and maybe I'll post as well. Who knows.
Until then hang loose!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
225 Deadlift
8:05 Rx'd
I still need to work on my HSPU strength, but this is a pr by 3:37 from last fall when we did it at CFO. Dead lifts felt good and I only broke up the round of 15 (10-5). I was a little bummed when I checked the CFO WOD for Thursday since it had heavy dead lifts. That one looks more fun too. I'll just have to save it for a later date.
My two proteges are coming along quickly. Today I tried to teach them the clean and by the end of their wod it started to take a recognizable shape. Their wod was
AMRAP in 20
10-95 lb hang cleans (with squat)
12 dips
21 sit-ups
I think they hit 6 rounds and change.
Here is a video I found today that I thought could come in handy some day.
It's about how to properly tape your hands to prevent further rips and protect existing tears.
225 Deadlift
8:05 Rx'd
I still need to work on my HSPU strength, but this is a pr by 3:37 from last fall when we did it at CFO. Dead lifts felt good and I only broke up the round of 15 (10-5). I was a little bummed when I checked the CFO WOD for Thursday since it had heavy dead lifts. That one looks more fun too. I'll just have to save it for a later date.
My two proteges are coming along quickly. Today I tried to teach them the clean and by the end of their wod it started to take a recognizable shape. Their wod was
AMRAP in 20
10-95 lb hang cleans (with squat)
12 dips
21 sit-ups
I think they hit 6 rounds and change.
Here is a video I found today that I thought could come in handy some day.
It's about how to properly tape your hands to prevent further rips and protect existing tears.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Plus 1
Today my brother's friend joined us for our workout. I wasn't sure what to choose for a wod but ultimately fell back on a CFO wod from a while back that I had wanted to try.
6 Rounds
7 Burpees
8 DB lunges 40lbs
9 Thrusters 95lbs
10:55 Rx'd
My brother and his friend only did 5 rounds and dropped the thruster weight to 85 and then 75. I think it was a good intro wod for Mike (my brother Jay's friend) since it used some weight and some body coordination. He seemed to like it and is going to be working out with us for the rest of the week. Mike is planning on going into nutrition so after the workout, sweat still dripping and trying to catch my breath, I panted out some of the information I have learned and hopefully planted the seed for the Paleo Zone diet and even intermittent fasting. He seemed to buy it so with any luck he will look into it and hopefully convert.
I still need to find out when the high school gym is open so I can work some O-lifts.
6 Rounds
7 Burpees
8 DB lunges 40lbs
9 Thrusters 95lbs
10:55 Rx'd
My brother and his friend only did 5 rounds and dropped the thruster weight to 85 and then 75. I think it was a good intro wod for Mike (my brother Jay's friend) since it used some weight and some body coordination. He seemed to like it and is going to be working out with us for the rest of the week. Mike is planning on going into nutrition so after the workout, sweat still dripping and trying to catch my breath, I panted out some of the information I have learned and hopefully planted the seed for the Paleo Zone diet and even intermittent fasting. He seemed to buy it so with any luck he will look into it and hopefully convert.
I still need to find out when the high school gym is open so I can work some O-lifts.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Battle Scars Part Two
Above is a picture of my brother's leg after the bad box incident. At first I was a little scared that such an experience might make him gun shy to box jumps, but I should have known better. The next day not only did he want to workout, but he wanted to finish what he started and redo the box jump/dip wod he skinned his shin on. Having learned his lesson the first time, we assembled a much more stable box. It wasn't as tall but served its purpose. We also added sit-ups in the mix and he plowed through in about 5:20.
Yesterday I did the main site wod:
Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups
6 Sit-ups
And today I did the CFO Wod:
Run as far as you can in 3 minutes. At the completion of three minutes, immediately delve into 30 Walking Lunges and 30 Air Squats.
Run as far as you can in 3 minutes. At the completion of three minutes, immediately delve into 30 Walking Lunges and 30 Air Squats.
At the completion of the lunges and squats, see if you can run back to where you started the first run, in 3 minutes.
On the first run I made it about .6 miles and only made it ~.5 on the return trip.
This week I will be working out with another potential convert. A friend of my brother would like to give it a shot. He's been following a traditional lifting regiment so I will be happy to shock his perception of fitness. Last night I spoke with a friend of mine who lives in Houston and is in northern Minnesota for the summer. He has done a few wod (including Fran) and is interested in doing more. With any luck he will join us for a few workouts as well and we'll have a real following. Right now all of my family except my dad is keeping current with crossfit, but with 2 more potential that would bring the following to 6. I also have at least two other people in mind who have sipped the kool-aid, so it's time to make another batch. Now if we could only find a decent gym...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Battle Scars
Today's WOD was a recent CFO wod with a little addition and a surprise element.
~34" Box Jumps
*After the round of 21 perform first aid on your brother's 9 inch shin gash from missing the box (I will try and post a picture tomorrow)
8:20 Rx'd
My brother has been training with me this past week and I have enjoyed his company. He seems to like crossfit and I'm trying to get him to drink the kool-aid. Today, in our attempt to improvise with the crap they have in this gym, we took a foot tall wooden box, turn it on its end, stacked some mats under it, and put a dumbbell in it for support in order to create a ~30 inch box. It was hazardous at best. However, we proceeded undeterred, my brother on the shin splitter and me on a ~34 inch tall glute-ham-esk device. My brother was going to do 3 rounds of 15 and I was going to do 21-15-9 to see which one would be tougher. He beat me through the first round of jumps and dips, but I made up some time in the burpees. As he started his second round he pulled a classic crossfit mistake and missed the box. When he missed he caught his shin pretty good on the box and scraped a good chunk of skin off. Luckily I had finished burpees and was able to administer first aid. After that was taken care of he took a little rest while I finished the workout. On the up side he will now have an official crossfit scar. On the down side if we could have found a decent box up here in northern Minnesota, none of this would have happened...
Nothing like mixing real world scenarios into a wod to train yourself to perform under various conditions. This got me thinking about throwing a mental element into a wod to see how it pans out. You know, kind of like chess boxing. Maybe have a math problem or a riddle or something. It builds in rest and keeps the mind active. I know that I've zoned out mentally during workouts and I wonder if it would improve mental capacity... something to ponder.
I'm going to try and get into the high school gym a few days this next week since they have bumper plates. I would like to set a few new pr's in my o-lifts so I know where I stand and can focus on some strength building as well. Hopefully they will let me use the place.
~34" Box Jumps
*After the round of 21 perform first aid on your brother's 9 inch shin gash from missing the box (I will try and post a picture tomorrow)
8:20 Rx'd
My brother has been training with me this past week and I have enjoyed his company. He seems to like crossfit and I'm trying to get him to drink the kool-aid. Today, in our attempt to improvise with the crap they have in this gym, we took a foot tall wooden box, turn it on its end, stacked some mats under it, and put a dumbbell in it for support in order to create a ~30 inch box. It was hazardous at best. However, we proceeded undeterred, my brother on the shin splitter and me on a ~34 inch tall glute-ham-esk device. My brother was going to do 3 rounds of 15 and I was going to do 21-15-9 to see which one would be tougher. He beat me through the first round of jumps and dips, but I made up some time in the burpees. As he started his second round he pulled a classic crossfit mistake and missed the box. When he missed he caught his shin pretty good on the box and scraped a good chunk of skin off. Luckily I had finished burpees and was able to administer first aid. After that was taken care of he took a little rest while I finished the workout. On the up side he will now have an official crossfit scar. On the down side if we could have found a decent box up here in northern Minnesota, none of this would have happened...
Nothing like mixing real world scenarios into a wod to train yourself to perform under various conditions. This got me thinking about throwing a mental element into a wod to see how it pans out. You know, kind of like chess boxing. Maybe have a math problem or a riddle or something. It builds in rest and keeps the mind active. I know that I've zoned out mentally during workouts and I wonder if it would improve mental capacity... something to ponder.
I'm going to try and get into the high school gym a few days this next week since they have bumper plates. I would like to set a few new pr's in my o-lifts so I know where I stand and can focus on some strength building as well. Hopefully they will let me use the place.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
10 rounds for time
3 DL 275 lbs
6 Ring dips
9 Knees to elbows
I tried to keep things moving through this one, but apparently not that fast. Some of those CFFB guys are beasts.
My homemade rings are holding their own, but I need to get some tape on the tops so they don't rip my arms.
Nothing new to report. Rest day tomorrow.
10 rounds for time
3 DL 275 lbs
6 Ring dips
9 Knees to elbows
I tried to keep things moving through this one, but apparently not that fast. Some of those CFFB guys are beasts.
My homemade rings are holding their own, but I need to get some tape on the tops so they don't rip my arms.
Nothing new to report. Rest day tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Business as usual
AMRAP 15 min
7 front squats 185lbs
7 burpee pull-ups
7 rounds
This was a great little workout. I thought the squats would feel heavier, but I was able to manage fairly well or at least better than I expected. The pull-up bar was pretty low so I did chest to bar to make up for it.
I'm s little bummed that I won't be able to push my o-lifts this summer because I can't drop the weights if they get too heavy. Instead I guess I just focus on building strength just below the point of possible failure.
Nothing crazy seen today, except for the three bears, two moose, and a couple of loons that frequent the gym. Oddly enough their workout routine seemed to mimic crossfit. But as I said nothing out of the ordinary.
AMRAP 15 min
7 front squats 185lbs
7 burpee pull-ups
7 rounds
This was a great little workout. I thought the squats would feel heavier, but I was able to manage fairly well or at least better than I expected. The pull-up bar was pretty low so I did chest to bar to make up for it.
I'm s little bummed that I won't be able to push my o-lifts this summer because I can't drop the weights if they get too heavy. Instead I guess I just focus on building strength just below the point of possible failure.
Nothing crazy seen today, except for the three bears, two moose, and a couple of loons that frequent the gym. Oddly enough their workout routine seemed to mimic crossfit. But as I said nothing out of the ordinary.
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