Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cheat Week

Well, as many of you can imagine, this past week (and a half) has not been the picture perfect paleo zone/crossfit block of time. My diet went to crap with all the traveling and eating all the Thanksgiving goodies. To boot, I didn't even get a workout in the whole time. However, I did and have been taking fish oil on a regular basis.
The silver lining of this fall from grace is that I could really feel my poor diet taking a toll on my body. This helped push me back on track. Nice to know that my body reacts appropriately to nutrients.
In addition to eating right I'm also going to be fasting every fourth day from now until Christmas (or there abouts). This is partially to save money on food and partially to see how I react. Fun stuff.

Wednesday WOD
3 Rounds for time
10 One arm DB Swing, right arm
10 One arm DB Highpulls, right arm
10 One arm DB Snatch, right arm
10 One arm DB Swing, left arm
10 One arm DB Highpulls, left arm
10 One arm DB Snatch, left arm

I used a 50lb db and finished in 12:45. I definitely could have pushed harder and didn't really get out of first gear, but I guess you could call it easing back into the swing of things.

This last week was a big one in terms of my pursuit of med school. I had two interviews: one at the University of Minnesota and one at Washington University in St. Louis. For those of you interested in following my progress, I posted a link (look to the column on the right) to a profile page that has my 'stats' so to speak. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

P.S. I answered Josh's fish oil question from a few posts ago with a comment to that post. In case you haven't figured that out already. Cheers!

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