Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Back Squat 1rm

I only gave one go at 255 simply because I was scared, and here's why. When I first started lifting for football in high school I had no instruction as to proper form or technique. As you can imagine this opened the door for injury. I was doing squats completely on my toes with my heals coming off the ground completely. U-G-L-Y you don't got no alibi. Anyway while doing squats like that, I think i ripped something in my lower right abdomen. Nothing was done about it, and it didn't cause any further trouble until I began lifting again a few years back. Now occasionally when I do squats I feel a tearing sensation in my lower right abdomen. For fear of hernia I refrain from pushing it too hard when it comes to squats. Instead, I'm going to take it slow (much like in the snatch) until I feel confident with the movement and am free of pain (the bad kind).

50 20lb wall balls (unexpectedly unbroken)
40 DU (broken- fatigue plus bad rope)
30 1.5 pood KB swings (broken-that was dumb should have kept going)
20 35lb db walking lunges (broken-5-5-10 hard stuff)
10 Burpees (unbroken)


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