Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Push Press 1RM
155-165-175-185-190-195(f-head psych)-195(f)-195pr(there we go)

For time
Row 1000m (3:37)
GHD Sit-ups
Back Extension

Total 8:17

Second day at the gym, so far so good.

Here's an outline of the strength programming I'm going to start throwing in the mix.

Push Press
Squat (back/front)
Pull ups
Push ups
Dead lift
Push Jerk
Overhead Squat

Round 1: 1RM
Round 2: 5x5@85%
Round 3: 6x3@92.5%
Round 4: 3x10@70%

This is exactly what is posted on Ricky's blog under an undulating program. I know I'm not in peak lifting form, but I like mixing it up and will probably add weight when needed mid cycle. Also, the lifts will be performed in that order in hopes of allowing more time for recovery between similar lifts. My goal before Christmas is just to find the 1r maxes and after the holiday starting a regular routine.

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