Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mainsite 091004

Today I did Sunday's mainstie WOD.

95lb Power Cleans
Back Extensions


This wod felt great. All sets unbroken. I just took my frustrations from yesterday and went to it. I wasn't going to stop unless my arms fell off, and it was great. There were some faster posts on the mainsite, and I don't mean to discredit them, but all of my movements were full rom, so I'm happy with that.

I was looking for info on paleo diets and whatnot today and came across the Paleo Brands site. There is some good info on there, but I learned that a lot of the food I eat is not on their 'paleo' menu. This included bacon, sausage, and eggs (at least the amount I'm eating). I figure since their basing their lives around correct paleo info, I'm going to try and switch up what I eat so that it fits in with their parameters (list under paleo do's and don'ts). Now all I need to do is find some easy cheap recipes that I can make in bulk and eat day after day. Hopefully success will follow.

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