Friday, June 12, 2009

Battle Scars

Today's WOD was a recent CFO wod with a little addition and a surprise element.

~34" Box Jumps

*After the round of 21 perform first aid on your brother's 9 inch shin gash from missing the box (I will try and post a picture tomorrow)

8:20 Rx'd

My brother has been training with me this past week and I have enjoyed his company. He seems to like crossfit and I'm trying to get him to drink the kool-aid. Today, in our attempt to improvise with the crap they have in this gym, we took a foot tall wooden box, turn it on its end, stacked some mats under it, and put a dumbbell in it for support in order to create a ~30 inch box. It was hazardous at best. However, we proceeded undeterred, my brother on the shin splitter and me on a ~34 inch tall glute-ham-esk device. My brother was going to do 3 rounds of 15 and I was going to do 21-15-9 to see which one would be tougher. He beat me through the first round of jumps and dips, but I made up some time in the burpees. As he started his second round he pulled a classic crossfit mistake and missed the box. When he missed he caught his shin pretty good on the box and scraped a good chunk of skin off. Luckily I had finished burpees and was able to administer first aid. After that was taken care of he took a little rest while I finished the workout. On the up side he will now have an official crossfit scar. On the down side if we could have found a decent box up here in northern Minnesota, none of this would have happened...

Nothing like mixing real world scenarios into a wod to train yourself to perform under various conditions. This got me thinking about throwing a mental element into a wod to see how it pans out. You know, kind of like chess boxing. Maybe have a math problem or a riddle or something. It builds in rest and keeps the mind active. I know that I've zoned out mentally during workouts and I wonder if it would improve mental capacity... something to ponder.

I'm going to try and get into the high school gym a few days this next week since they have bumper plates. I would like to set a few new pr's in my o-lifts so I know where I stand and can focus on some strength building as well. Hopefully they will let me use the place.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I like the mental test add John. The other day Ricky had the Saturday group do a team WOD where he gave them an amount of lbs just be for he said go, so they had to work as a team to calculate how much weight they had to carry out of the gym to the parking lot. One team took longer to get started, but caught up when the other team took way too much weight out and had to fix their math before they could put all the weight back to end the WOD. It was pretty fun. I also like the idea of including marksmanship in the WOD, but I'm not sure how you new gym would feel about you shooting up the place!