Monday, June 8, 2009


So when I checked the Crossfit Omaha site today, as I always do, I noticed their posted workout was the EXACT workout I did on Friday. Coincidence? I think not.
But I really can't say anything since I just browse through various crossfit sites until I find a workout I like. It's hard finding something that works with the limited equipment I have available. Thus my workout for today was a CFFB wod from a few days back.

7 rounds
3 jerks 155lbs
6 pull-ups
9 push-ups

Another thing I have noticed is that the bar feel much heavier when I'm not using rubber bumpers. With bumpers I know I can abort a lift if it is too heavy, but with iron plates I feel this mental block where I know I can't drop the weight. I think this also may add a little time to the clock since I have to worry about controlling the bar completely during a drop. I'm going to try and find or buy a bumper set in the near future if things don't pick up.

Awesome experience #2
So I was deep into today's metcon when I noticed a few college aged guys come into the room for a solid day's workout. They started with forearm curls both on a bench and behind the back and continued with calf raises. I thought it must have been a pretty funny sight for anyone to see me sweating and panting like crazy while these guys were working their forearms and calves. Talk about extremes.

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