Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Boston Crossfit Fitness Evaluation

This morning I had what people here in Boston call a 'fitness evaluation,' which for me was an explanation of my crossfit experience, a dynamic warm-up, and the Petranek Baseline. My trainer was Alex Straus. We talked shop for a bit at first while waiting for another guy to show up for the eval. I hadn't told them I was in crossfit before but that was the first thing he asked so no real surprises...until the workout. The other guy was a marine who had been doing crossfit while on tour and was picking it up for the first time in an affiliate. Our warm-up was strangely familiar (but not surprisingly so). It included knees to chest, spiderman, walking lunges with a twist, skips, high kicks, and such very similar to Omaha. We then moved on to the workout and went over rom requirements. I was able to learn a few new things about rowing, but everything else was standard except sit-ups were done with the soles of the feet together and knees spread out. Not too bad though. Finally we got on with it.

My row time was 1:37.5 and I did all sets unbroken.

Petranek Baseline
500m row
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups


I was pretty surprised when I heard the time and I think they were too. That puts me in the elite category for the baseline and a 24 second pr from last May! Unfortunately I don't have the money to feed the addiction so I'm going to refer people like mad and as soon as I get a job I'm going to sign up and show them what CFO training can do!

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