Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Eva take 2

5 rounds
800m run
30 KB Swings 2 pood
30 Pull-ups

40 Minute Cut-off

DNF- finished 4 full rounds in 40 minutes

Last time I did Eva was December 23, 2008 and I did it at the same gym I'm working out in now. At that point I did 4 rounds in 46:40 minutes so, progress. The pull-ups weren't bad except the bar is still a pain. For the swings I used a 75lb dumb bell, but would have much rather used a kettle bell. Luckily Trevor showed me how far 200m was on the road outside the gym so we were able to run outside today. Since we had to run downstairs and through the front door I was able to cleanly tackle one old lady and two old men (not really but I came awfully close to doing so). This was a grueling one. Glad to see all the great efforts at CFO! Awesome work people!

1 comment:

Jen said...


I just mentioned to Angela the other morning how John W. would really be enjoying the last couple of workouts in the morning and how I missed your enthusiasm. EVA was really tough, and two days later I am still really sore. Angela was the only person in the gym to complete all five rounds. Hope all is well. Take care.