Monday, July 27, 2009

Time to Report

First off I would like to congratulate Angela on her first muscle up! Nicely done!

Saturday WOD
AMRAP in 20
10 20lb DB Thrusters
10 Sit-ups
10 Back extensions

15 rounds

I think I could have done more but I had to share a back extension machine with 2 other guys. That meant if I was going to lap them I had to do it on the thrusters and sit-ups after they had a little head start. That was fine though, it kept the intensity up.

Sunday WOD
5 rounds for time
Max Rep BW bench press (done just below body weight at 155)
Max rep pull-ups

Bench: 10, 9, 9, 8, 8
Pull-ups: 21, 20, 20, 17, 20

This work out not as fun as it could have been. Bench is probably my weakest lift and I really don't like the pull-up bar in the gym. I will have to come back to this one and put up some proper pull-up numbers.

Monday WOD
AMRAP in 20
5 pull-ups
10 push ups
15 squats

22 full rounds

Pace felt good on this one. I still had to share the pull-up bar but that was not a big deal. The only thing I had to break was the push ups and that was into 2 sets of 5. This is a 4 round pr from my VERY FIRST wod at CFO. I'm quite happy with that.

Well, I leave tomorrow to go houseboating in Arizona on Lake Powell. This will be a family trip of sorts. My sister and I are going to meet up with a few cousins, aunts, and uncles (in fact for those who went to Denver it is that crew) for a week of fun. I will most likely swim a lot, but not much in the way of wods. We'll see though. Now some of you may be asking, " John...surfing in Rhode Island, Houseboating on Lake Powell, how can you afford to travel so much with essentially no income?" My answer to you is simply, " I can't." However, I have a feeling that in about a year when med school picks up I'll be glad I did. Anyway, maybe you'll get some pictures from this one, but then again maybe not. Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks! It was pretty exciting. Then I got aonther one the next day! Finally all my work on one movement has paid off. Ha.