Friday, December 5, 2008


max height box jumps
chest to bar pull-ups

I was able to successfully jump a box that was about 40 inches high and felt I may have been able to go a few inches higher. The reason I didn't was probably because there is no easy way to abort a box jump. The c2b pull-ups were surprisingly easy. I had never done them before and perhaps I expected more. This workout was timed, but the focus was on not falling on the box jumps and making chest to bar contact. Finished in 6 and change.

We did pull a sneaky move today. During the workout set up we measured our boxes and Jeff and Greg were on one that was about an inch higher, so wight before the workout Zach and I sneaked the yellow plates in where the green plates had been making our box the highest. This is irrelevant, but if anyone asks you'll know the truth.


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