Monday, January 26, 2009


AMRAP in 15 minutes
12 KB Swings 2 pood
21 Double Unders

9 rounds + 10 kb swings

Looking back I wish I had pushed harder, but that's usually the case. The double unders stopped me up more than I would have liked, but once I adapted to the fatigue they came easier. I'm not feeling the need for a rest day as much as last cycle, but I'm going to enjoy it because I know the pain train in coming in two days and I'm already tied to the tracks.

Ricky's sit-up tip that I alluded to yesterday was to flatten your legs out a bit. Doing so giving your muscles a little bit of rest at the top of the sit-up instead of constant contraction. I guess you kind of have to find the sweet spot through trial and error. Sounds like something worth checking out. 

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