Saturday, January 17, 2009


Ricky's Version of 10K (6 miles)
6 Rounds
Teams of two
Alternating 800m runs

Teammate 1 runs 800m then teammate 2 runs 800m when teammate 1 returns and so on. This continues for 6 rounds resulting in each member of the team running 3 miles (6x800m).

This was a fun wod and definitely harder than running a 10k straight up. It's starting to feel more and more like a team as we prepare for the qualifier. It's just amazing to have such a sense of community and love of self inflicted suffering in a gym.

I felt pretty good today, i.e. no nausea. However, I will let tomorrow determine if that bout was just passing or what. I did get almost 10 hours of sleep last night and it was amazing. Maybe that's all I needed. Time will tell. 

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