Saturday, January 24, 2009


Crossfit Total
Back Squat 1RM
Shoulder Press 1RM
Deadlift 1RM

Instead of maxing out on the Bs and DL, Ricky suggested that we do 3 reps at 92.5% of our max. This made it more of a strength building workout than a showing off workout. Here's what I did.
BS: 225, 255, 240 (PR)
SP: 120 (PR), 125(Fx2)
DL: 299, 308, 308
I bumped the weight up in both the DL and BS just for kicks. I was feeling good today and I guess it paid off. My back is feeling better, but still making its presence known. Another thing I did today was bring some chocolate milk for the recovery drink. I'll try and stay consistant with that and see if I feel any difference.

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