Monday, July 6, 2009

Out of the woods

Just got back from a weekend of deep woods activity. I chop a lot of wood, moved some heavy things, and even came up with a workout one day. I meant to tape it but it just kind of happened.

July 3rd
Cabin Wod
Swim-10 strokes out and then back (one stroke included both left and right arms)
run up the hill to the wood pile ~100m
Clean and throw a log there and back ~75 ft one way (log weighed between 50 and 75 lbs)
400 m run to the end of the driveway with a 25lb log on back
10 log clean and jerks with same log used for clean and throws
run down hill to lake
10 strokes out and then swim back

No time but lots of fun

July 6th
power cleans 75% BW (I used 125lbs ~78%)

July 7th
165 lb FS

Good luck to all those heading out to Cali for the games! You will represent CFO in the fullest!


paul said...

you're a beast, John! those are pretty much BW front squats, right? crazy.

John W said...

Haha, thanks paul. Yeah, those are just over BW for me. That was a fun little workout.

Addi said...

Cabin WOD looks FUN. We need more logs at CFO.