Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekend Warriors

This weekend was filled with fun workouts and motivated people. That's always a winning combination.

In teams of 2
AMRAP in 20
1o Brupees
10 Sit-ups
10 Box Jumps 20"

21 rounds and 5 Burpees

Josh and I teamed up for this one and gave it a great go. We decided to alternate every round and the rest was perfect. Not too long and just enough to be ready to push hard for each round. It only helped that we were in between the teams of Brandon and Paul and Ben and Joe C.. Those guys kept us pushing hard. Each of them started out faster than us, but towards the end we were making up ground and fast. We caught and passed Ben and Joe, but Brandon and Paul were too far out in front. Maybe with another 5 or 10 minutes we could have given them a run. Also, I was fairly hung over for this workout, but I felt great during and for a little while after. It's weird how that works. Working out helped me forget about my hangover, but as soon as the workout was over and I was feeling recovered it hit again. I guess I should workout non stop or something.

3 Rounds
400 Meter run
40 Push-ups


I was hoping to break 10 on this one, but my push-ups just weren't as solid as I would like. The runs felt good and I was able to make pretty good time on all of them. For the first round of push-ups I did 15-10-10 and every subsequent round I tried 10-10-10-10. It worked fairly well, but I was piking by back during each set and only rested completely when I got to 10. It felt good to get out there and push the runs too. Usually during met-cons the run becomes an active rest, but not today.

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