Friday, March 20, 2009


75-75lb Snatches

7.5 minutes (weird)

I have been leery of snatches due to my shoulder problems, but I figured this would be a good way to not only test the stability I've gained, but also strengthen the muscle that stabilize. My bet paid off and my shoulder stayed in place. I broke down the 75 in 15-10-10-8-7-10-8-7. It was hard to really push it because I had to constantly focus on keeping my shoulder strong and in socket. However, I'm not sure a perfect would have changed too much as I was definitely fatigued after the wod. I used hook grip for all 75 and it felt pretty good. My thumbs went numb for a bit, but overall I think it was worth it. Also I have two new tears: a matching pair on each ring finger. Always a treat.
Anyway, a fun workout and a success since my shoulder stayed in and I've become even more comfortable with snatches.

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