Friday, March 13, 2009

I opened the window and in flew enza

It has been an interesting past few days. The battle still continues with whatever is attacking my innards, but I know if I hold out long enough I will win the war. That is unless it kills me. Speaking of killing, as I write this now I can hear the mouse that lives in the floor above me (I'm on the top floor and it's in the ceiling) scurrying about. However, he's not as bad as the squirrel that stop by occasionally, seriously that is one of the creepiest sounds to wake you up in the middle of the night. Those claws scraping around gives me nightmares. I digress. Due to my current ailment, I opted for sleep over an early workout. That's right. I went over to the dark side and worked out with the 530 crew. The light from the sun was blinding, the faces were stern and menacing (not really though), and my internal clock was like "WTF mate?". Nevertheless I was able to pull through and get the knock out this WOD.

20" Box jumps (50lb each hand)
KB swings 2 pood
strict pull-ups

During warm up the first box jump was pretty bizarre. First of all I thought this was a jump with in each hand. It's like welcome to Crossfit, surprise! and then instead of a laurel and hardy handshake you get a kick in the nuts (not that bad though). That's what I've come to expect from these workouts, and it's great too. I push myself to do things I would not have imagined before: box jumps with and extra 100 lbs, planks with 150 lbs on your back, heck thrusters for that matter. Seriously, I wouldn't have come up with that on my own. Cool beans.
Ricky called us out after the workout and made a good point about focusing on the training and not the time per say. His issue was achieving full ROM with each rep and performing each movement properly, specifically strict pull-ups. I know I'm guilty of kipping a bit to get that last rep instead of doing it clean, and for what? To get a better time for the day? Probably, but this training should be about getting better, stronger, faster (as some have said) and skipping out on that last rep instead of doing it clean only hurts me. I'm going to try and focus on focusing on proper technique and full ROM. As Ricky said, "We are only training for one day, and today is not that day."

P.S. That squirrel is back :(


Brandon said...

Well spoken, I'm sure I am just as guilty for not doing full ROM yesterday. There were a few small kips that snuck in there... :-)

B3nj4m1n said...

Rat poison, that will teach the squirrel.

JonD said...

I think you should embrace your new furry friends for one (WWJD), and two where do you come up with this stuff "I opened the window and in flew enza" what do you have a roll-a-dex with this stuff on there, because I am impressed.

Back to your animals, they may give you nightmares but have you ever thought that they are just saying "hello jesus".