Monday, March 16, 2009

Pumpin Iron

Split Clean and Push Press Heavy Single - C&PP 184, C 198
Bench Press x5x4 - 132, 154, 164, 164
L-Sits x6 10-20sec

Split clean is an interesting lift, that I would like to work on more in the future. I think working on a split landing there would only help with a split jerk landing. I was happy with push press as well since I pr'd in copious amounts. That's 20lbs more than I've ever push pressed, it felt pretty good. We made a pretty big jump to 198 after 184. I was able to clean it, but the push just wasn't there. Next time.
Bench press brought me back to the days of lifting for football in high school. Nobody really knew what they were doing then, so it was good to finally catch up and learn a little about the lift. Even though I hadn't done bench at CFO until today, my strength is the lift has increased. I was at BW today and it felt good. I know this would have been a stretch for me before so that's cool.
L-sits, i need to work on keeping my legs straight. I don;t know what it is. Maybe tight hams or something, but that will be something I work on.

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