Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Parking Ticket

OHS (narrow grip)
175-180 (fx2)

Less than my pr, but I don't think I've done an OHS in quite a while. My shoulder started bugging me when I tried the wide grip, so i switch to narrow and although it felt stronger, I want to ultimately be able to perform the lift correctly. With time and practice I'm sure it will happen.

1.5 Mile Run


Not sure how that compares to my other running times, but it felt good. However, my knee now hurts. Maybe that car did a little damage after all.

Oh and I got a parking ticket while working out. Awesome. I am not favored in the traffic world these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the hell Jesus?!?! (That sounds funny, ha)
I'm sick of looking at this 'Parking Ticket' post! Let's hear something new.....