Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Coming up for Air

And we're back. It's been a while since my last post due to no free time (I probably shouldn't even be posting now), so need less to say I've got some catching up to do. Let's start with today. This workout was great. I really like getting caught up in a workout that you almost have to will yourself through. If you think about how much it hurts then you're screwed. All you can do is keep pushing. Funny story though: the weight felt pretty good during the first round and I thought, this isn't too bad. However, on the first rep of the second round I thought, "who's the sneaky guy who threw some extra weight on here?" Well I didn't actually think of that but it felt way heavier from then on. Not only that but the two hundred felt longer and longer. Always fun

5 rounds
155 lb clean and jerk, 5 reps
200m run

10:10 Rx'd

Now looking back to Monday. As everyone else worked on power snatch, for the sake fo my shoulder, I just did some OHS (wide grip at first and narrow grip as the weight increased). I worked up to 155x4. I just wanted to do something that engaged the shoulder (safely). After that we were supposed to do something to get on the board. I didn't know this, but that's ok. Instead I did tabata push-ups with a couple of the he-men of 6AM. I picked 10 as my goal per round and nearly hit it. I missed the last rep of the last round. Must have been a good number to pick then.

Since I missed this weekend's WOD's for some North Dakota wedding escapdes, I came in on Friday to make up one day. I was glad I could fit it in, but it wasn't the same as lifting with the gang.
Power Clean 1RM (198 failed at 203 about 7 times)
Back Squatx3x4 @90-92.5% (223x3x4)

Weekend WOD
Drink some alcohol and do some dancing
Done and Done and let me tell you I can sure cut a rug.

One more thing, I went to the chiropractor suggested by Josh and Addi on Monday. I was impressed with this guy as compared to the previous experience I've had in such endeavours. My back is still sore, but less so (at least I think so). Luckily he said that it isn't a blown disk and we just need to loosen to joint that's locked up (sachral?). However, he did say my hamstrings are way too tight, so I'll have to work on that. And, interestingly, that we may switch over to some acupunture. That would be quite an interesting experience, since I've never delved into such arts. Should be fun.


A said...
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A said...

My friend Libba Harmon is a great acupuncturist, and is pretty reasonably priced. Her contact info is: 402-214-6265.
Also, I wonder if some hot yoga would benefit you? I have been having some shoulder issues as well, and have found a lot of relief from going to Bikram yoga. The heat the room to 105-110 degrees, and you just stretch and sweat. it's pretty great.
Also, there are some specific shoulder exercises you can do - I can show you during our weekend training, if you like! Glad the chiropractor is helping!