Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Revving up

These past few weeks have been busy ones for me. I'm still getting into the rhythm of working two jobs and taking classes. Today I have decided to make sure to devote 12 hours a day to either work, class, or homework. I enjoy being busy and constantly working my mind and body. I'm sure most people live with schedules like this, but I'm glad to be back in the thick of it.

Zach and I were talking today about diet and intermittent fasting. This is something I would like to try, after some research of course. I like pushing myself and finding the limits of my body and mind. Once I have a good feel of these limits I would like to push them. This doesn't really apply to IF, but it got me thinking along those lines. I thinks it brings out the part in me that was set to join the Navy and try to become a SEAL upon graduate this past May. I wanted to do it more for the challenge than anything else. Often I find myself asking what life would have been like if I had turned in my papers and gone down that path. Knowing that I will probably not end up with the Trident on my chest, I try and push myself in other ways, maybe to make up for it. Anyways, I was thinking about working out on sleep deprivation in addition to fasting. I don't know what it would do (probably wreck me for a while). But at least that way I know I can take it if I ever need. That's part of BUD's is about; setting a baseline of what you can handle. I know my body can handle a lot more than I allow mentally. Mental strength comes from challenging tasks like, for instance, Crossfit. In the future I am going to try and be more mentally aware to push myself and really block out the pain of screaming muscles and burning lungs. Speaking of which, today's workout was:
3 rounds
50 SDHP 65lb
50 Burpees
This was a really solid WOD that had to be taken head on with no second guessing. A great way to end the cycle. Others recent WOD's.

AMRAP in 20min
2 rope climbs
4 Thrusters 155lb
6 box jumps 36"
6 1/3

That was a really fun workout. With a little more strength on thrusters it would have been downright bliss.

Tabata Mashup
Pull-ups (86)
KB Swings 1 1/2 pood (87)
Total reps 173

This one alternated tabata timing between the two movements. I'm glad the KB didn't slip and smoke Greg in the back.

For the most part I am quite sore. This is awesome, because I haven't felt this worked since my first few days of Crossfit. I hope this continues and gains are made which are comparable to those in the beginning.

As for now I'm out of time. Hopefully, I'll be able to talk more about diet in the future.

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