Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Waiting

Today I realize I am in the a waiting phase in my life. I'm waiting to hear back on jobs, waiting to hear back from med schools, and waiting until I have enough money to join Crossfit Boston. Hopefully this will build patience or something like that.

The above picture was taken from my apartment window overlooking downtown Boston. It's pretty cool but I prefer mountains and trees. Haha.

Today I tried the building's fitness center. I thought I had it rough in Minnesota, but this is much worse. The heaviest weight in the room is a 50lb db and there is no pull-up bar what so ever. However, I will not be deterred. I plan on going to parks to do bar work. Maybe I'll become a Bar-tenda or something like that. I'd also like to start some parkuor stuff, real primal.


50 Man makers with 50 lb dbs


I'm not sure if they were official man-makers, but I did a push up, then clean and jerks the weight. Most of them were clean thrusters. I'm not terribly pleased with that time, but it just felt weird working out with so many mirrors and in something that felt more like an office than a gym. When life gives you lemons...

1 comment:

kahrs said...

I have always wanted to do some parkour. Awesome job on the baseline.