Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Boring Week

Seeing as I have four jobs now, you'd think my life would be quite busy. So far this week I participated in a 30 minute conference call. Um...that doesn't quite add up. Anyway, at least I've got push ups to fill the time.

Push -ups Max Rep

Tabata All out
21-20-12-10-10-8-9-8 (+8 I did an extra round by accident)

Progress. I'm thinking about adding another criteria to the Max rep effort. It will now be max reps completed with a max time of two minutes. I'm not sure how long it's taking me now, but I'm setting two minutes as the ceiling for time from hence forth.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I guess that makes 3

1.3 Mile Run with 50lb load (35lb sand bag and 15lb back pack)

In addition to the above fun little run, I went to the first 3 hours of Dr. Sears' seminar at Endicott college. It was quite informative and answered a lot of questions regarding why certain foods were bad and what we should be striving for. The main take aways were:
-inflammation is what causes the majority of chronic conditions in America today including obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.
- daily high doses of purified fish oil (5g-15g/day) help reduce the risk of heart attack by 70%, cause depression remission 500% more than without, reduce the affects of ADHD, reduce tumor size, basically help prevent chronic disease
-Strict Zone diet is pretty much paleo zone diet with high dose fish oil
-if you don't want to change your diet at least take 5g-10g of fish oil a day
-strict zone diet helps the best athletes get better
-molecular baking is the next big thing in getting people in the zone

Based on what I've learned today I'm going to try and hone my diet a bit. This week, I will be eating 2 lbs of broccoli, 2 apples, about a pound of meat (turkey or chicken), and plenty of almonds, walnuts, and olive oil each day. Once my fish oil arrives I will start taking that too. After Thanksgiving I'm going to keep up with that diet until Christmas to see how I feel. I know I haven't been getting enough veggies and don't know what else to get. My meat quality will improve (mainly chicken, turkey, and fish) and my fruit intake will decrease (not by much, limited to two servings a day) . In addition my fish oil consumption will increase. Hopefully this change will stick and I'll be high as a kite all day. We shall see.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Weekend Fun

Tabata Push ups Gamed
93 Total

1.3 Mile Run

Dr. Sears Nutrition Seminar at Endicott College

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday Push-ups

Tabata Push-ups (All out)
94 total

Monday, November 9, 2009

Like a bag of sand

While walking home from a outstanding establishment, where I sampled the local fare and copious beverage, I came across quite a treasure. During this adventure, I was in Troy, NY reliving my college days. It might have been 4AM and I may have been walking up a large hill. Nevertheless, I stumbled across an unused construction sign. It was not the sign however that caught my attention but rather the sand bags that had formerly kept the sign upright. Being in a state of profound logic and quick thinking, I grabbed one of the sand bags, leaving the other for the sign and continued up hill. I thought, "this will come in handy in future workouts." Needless to say I carried the 35lb sack all the way back to an upstanding house with ample couches in order to bring it back to Boston with me. Nicely done drunk John! I plan to use the bag often.

Sunday WOD
1.5 mile sandbag run, 35lb sandbag
un-timed (from my car to my appt.)

Max reps Push-ups

3 rounds for time
10 pullups
20 box jumps
20 lunges

Friday, November 6, 2009


Tabata Push ups Gamed
91 total


Thursday, November 5, 2009


Yup, my life just a bit more crazy lately. I've seen three moose, two werewolves, and a yeti outside my window and I live on the 9th floor. Seriously. But not really, I've got a job or 5 and am trying to make all that jazz work. I'm now a part time hospital tutor (where they expect me to reserve full time hours for them), an independent tutor, and I'm training to teach an SAT prep course. Oh yeah and I'm on a list of tutors for another agency where I'm teaching the SSAT's. I don;t even know what those are. As you can imagine, my routine is not really that at all. I don't know when I going to work at the hospital until basically the day before and everything else comes at my on an as needed bases. This makes finding time to workout harder that it should be. Oh, I'm also in the running for a high school ski coaching position (not sure I'll be able to take that if I'm offered). Anyway, my workouts have been sparse and a bit random. However, I have been keeping with the push up scheme and am biking a lot since that is my easiest mode of transport around Boston. By the way a car was honking at me for biking in the regular lane instead of the turn lane (I wasn't planning on turning) so in true Bostonian fashion I flipped him the bird. For some reason he didn't see the beauty in that and miraculously found enough room to squeeze by my (which he should have done in the first place) only to try and cut me off at the light. He wasn't very smart because it is a well known fact that you can't cut off a biker, we are way to nimble and agile plus our maneuverability is to the max. I blew past him with ease when he stopped at the light because when I'm on my bike I'm above the law. Seriously, I can do the 1.5 miles to where my car is parked faster than any car (I'm almost certain of that). Umm...and now on with the workouts.

Tuesday WOD
5 rounds for time
Run 120yds (I think, distance is estimated)
10 Burpees
15 Sit-ups
25 Squats


Wednesday WOD
Tabata Push-ups All out
85 total

Oh, and one more thing. Even though I have a job per se doesn't mean I have money to join a gym. In fact I won't get my first pay check until Dec. 7th. Let's hope the $175 I have will last otherwise IF will become a necessity. Yeah life lessons/challenges! Despite this fact I am still overly optimistic, and can't stop typing now for some reason. Oh wait never mind I'm done.

Monday, November 2, 2009

More Push-ups

Push-ups Max reps in 1 round


I guess that's a good starting point to have if I'm looking to double it.

I haven't had a decent workout though in a while, but I just started a job today. It sounds like a full-time job that is given a part-time title, we'll see. But I'll be a tutor for students who are spending time in a hospital for whatever reason and are missing school. It should be great prep for med school so bonus there. Once I get a routine going there, I will definitely have to find a new workout pattern. Until then I'll do what I can.