Monday, March 29, 2010

Treadmill Tabata

No time trial in last weekend. I am planning on running a long one this weekend...hopefully.

Today I did a tabata treadmill, or rather I attempted to complete said tabata.

Tabata Treadmill
Grade: 12%
Speed: 8mph

I made it to round 6 before my legs/lungs couldn't keep up. On rounds 6 and 8 I only ran 10 seconds, but did an extra round to make up for it. Room for improvement. I tried my best to maintain POSE form, but it was tough with such rapid fire. My calves are definitely building up endurance which is good.

I go in Wednesday to find out about my shoulder and hopefully join a gym the next day so I can get back at the regular WODs. I have spent too much time without those.

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