Here is a brief recap of the events:
WOD #1
3 rft
8-300lb DL
400m Run
I tried to play it smart on the run for this one. First run, don't worry about anyone just keep your pace. Second run, pick someone out and keep his pace. Third run, pass as many people as you can. Also, I didn't break any sets of DL (I was pretty surprised, but I didn't) and I didn't waste much time getting back on the bar.
WOD #2
3 rft
10 C2B Pull-ups
10-165lb front squats
10 Burpees
My goal was not to break any front squat sets, and I didn't (niiice). The whole thing hurt though. My first set of pull-ups was crap as I looked like an uncoordinated monkey or something. I broke up the rest of the pull-ups into two sets of 5, and learned if you want to really know how hard burpees can be, do this wod. Toughest burpees of my life.
WOD #3
7000lbs from ground to overhead
74-95lbs clean and jerks
I thought I had a plan, but it didn't work. I was going to follow ZachR's countdown from 12-5 and then 6, but I kept thinking maybe I'll knock out the first two rounds in a row, maybe the first three... I started and the adrenaline really hit my around, I can't remember, maybe 12 or 15 reps, but it kept my going through what I thought was 28 and the counter said was 27. I wish I could have kept going because once I took a break everything slowed down. I got through the first 27 in about a minute and the next 47 in about 6 minutes. But I have never had such an intense rush of adrenaline, it was awesome. The rest was a fog, I would do a few and rest, then do some more and rest. Sometimes I thought I did 7 but the counter said it was 3 other times I thought I did 4 and the counter said 7. Next time I'll try to slow the initial pace down and see if I can keep it up for longer. Awesome WOD though, and the atmosphere made it a truly amazing experience.
Total: 18:38
23rd Overall
After coming back, I have not been able to get enough Crossfit. My body is still worn down a bit, but I just can't quit it. I've already done three wods this week and don;t plan on resting until Sunday. I'm also trying to get as much time in at the gym since my days are numbered.
The past three days
This one hurt more than I expected, probably since I was still recovering from the weekend.
5 Rounds
10-20lb Med Ball cleans
10 Burpees
Not timed, no breaks either.
I need to work on OHS, my shoulder has been feeling great, so I think I'll start widening my grip little by little. Otherwise a good workout. Those DL's got tough.
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